as real as your personal brand
ride around east london thursday night between 'art shows' on your 'fixie' ftw etc
maybe shave your hair real short on the sides, cut some jeans off for shorts and wear a colourful tank top yeh? some redstripe and rollies/?^ beggining to feel this maybe isnt authentic anymore? where / what next? :(
im lost -
There is around 100 metres (possibly 110 ?) of road leading down from Clerkenwell Road going East, just before it crosses Farringdon Road which is pretty authentic, there is a section near the start (around 15 meters in) which is a little less authentic, although it can't be any longer than 6 metres - so if you are going at pretty decent speed you don't really notice it.
Also there are some small patches of Oxford street that are pretty authentic to ride although they tend to be sporadic and short (2 or 3 meters) and are surrounded by large areas of unauthenticity.
Will need to check this out and add it to google maps. How many of you guise would be interested in having access to this map on your iphones? would also have locations of other riders.
How does one measure authenticity?
im not 100% sure tbh. Its made up of lots of intangibles, there are however a few pointers.
I think it has to have a 'human scale' ie. somewhere you can sit down that feels kind of enclosed and not too much traffic, somewhere to lock your bike, a pub / coffee shop /bike shop close by. Green lawn to practise wheelies on.
Lots of foot traffic and other cyclists passing through. Preferably in a slightly impoverished area, you want rudeboys walking past looking at your bikes. You need to be able to 'scene it up'
Also useful is word of mouth so that the area is known but not too known, you dont want to read about it in the guardian pon weekend really.
Whut do you guise reckon? Have I missed any? I see these as the hot pockets of fixie culture and the best places to hang, dont get to Brick Lane as much as I used to as I feel like its a bit 'cool' now.
- Broadway Market
- Brick Lane basketball courts
- Columbia Road
- London fields on the grass (good for practising tricKz)
- Bethnal Green Road near the Tesco.
- Broadway Market
This guy is a fake IMO, possible Nigerian banking scam.