It happens mate because a lot of people take themselves too seriously. On one thread there were people just claiming the equivalent of not having any sin, "I have never driven too faster ever" ... they were obviously lying.
Fuck I used to take myself too seriously a good few years ago. You get over yourself as time goes on.
I dunno what that is. You might want to ask Microsoft Certified Developers about that. I am not one.
I mainly work in JavaScript, PHP, Python, C# and a bit of VB.NET. But I tend to want to work in languages like Scala, Clojure and Python because those languages are awesome. I can't get a job in them at the moment because they are pretty niche in the UK.
It one of the things I really love about my job is that sometimes I get to use exotic languages.
I fucking love it. The Chaos Monkey has been released.