another spotted - RPM was that you going past me near the YMCA in Wimbledon at 1 today? or whoever own a grey peugeot (I think).
twas me, was on the 'wet weather' ss peugeot.
i've seen your bike many a time round wimbledon way.
i nearly ran into the back of a car trying to acknowledge you and carry my new purchases. -
Originally Posted by new in '82
*a woman with blonde hair pushing a blue(?) pug with a flat tyre at the lights by the tandem centre in colliers wood.
about 4pm.i was at the lights, you asked me if i had a pump. *
not far from moose or AW cycles, both of which sell pumps.
but then you should have had a pump anyway, so did you give it to her? (cue platini's fnnaar)
I can't believe people still ride without protection
i pointed her in the direction of sainsburys..... they have started selling aero wheels dontchaknow?
cycling without a pump keeps my life exciting. a flat in the middle of a mitcham estate is something i've yet to experience.... maybe one day soon tho...
a woman with blonde hair pushing a blue(?) pug with a flat tyre at the lights by the tandem centre in colliers wood.
about 4pm.i was at the lights, you asked me if i had a pump.
i told you to fuck off before giving a hitler salute and wheeling off before the lights had changed*
(*i did not do this)
not knowing anyone on here in person makes it difficult for me to imagine how a real (fisticuffs) fight would unfold
but....... maybe my first meeting with forumengers could be a cock-fight-stylee battle to the death between two wiry FG riders..... perhaps under a flyover in east london?
Wicksie: 1 x Pelaton S
bigben: 1 x Steal XL, 1 x Stay Flashy XL, 1 x For Sale XL, 1 x RLJ XL
Bernhard: 1 x Samurai M
Regal: 1 x Peloton XL, 1 x Steal XL
mattty: 1x RLJ small
steves 1 x exploded xl, 1 x pelaton xl, 1 x all about the ride xl
new in '82: 1 x steal XL