- pajamas
- Joe Smiff
- Wibble
- TheorySwine
- Dov aka Dov
- Coppi
- mick mccarthy
- kattiep
- ivandaterrible
- bainbridge
- ms.chris
- Fox
- deluka
- ian (conker)
- truli
- cafewanda
- serk
- moog
- crumb
- brakerrr
- Oliver Schick
- Blue Quinns
23.Gav86 - middlofnowhere
- furious tiles
- laner
- jcgarcia
- betty
- IDoNothing
- Fussball
- t®um
- supersonik-zlad
- Nigel182
- ondine
- pajamas
not looking good for me, still at work sans bike, long day in court, i'll see what time is left when i eventually get home, not happy, wanted to defend my gc position or even better it, a certain neal quinn may well be happy though as he seems to prefer hillwalking to cycling, i suspect he is in some way behind my work situation...
this was an absolute laugh, had a great time.
blind-dan, are you the guy i was riding with at the end, the friend of Dave's? if so i'm sorry i got us lost we should've stayed with alex's group or better still gone thru' the rotherhite tunnel
yes it was a good ride! Hope your knee is OK, not too bruised
daveangel, i guess you could ask him?
he built a frame for me, i met him at pearsons