Forum members,
blatant repost in the name of publicity.....
I am doing a charity ride from London to Cannes in March to raise money for one of London's homeless charities (www.landaid.org). The ride is actually pretty brutal covering 1500km in 6 days so fingers crossed for no rain!
As a means of generating some $ for my sponsorship total, i am putting on a pretty corny sounding bike wash in the Tour De Ville yard on Saturday afternoon. It will be a donations only affair, so if you have a permantently filthy steed, come down to get it cleaned off...Being an anal bastard, i am sure to be able to get even the most mucky machines cleaned up!
It is actually going to be sunny tomorrow (wooohoo!), so if nothing else it gives you the excuse for a bit of a ride down to London Fields and (further) perve in the T de V. Got to be good times.
Hopefully a flyer for the wash will appear below (total forum posting novice!).
Cheers[PHP][/PHP] -
Forum members,
I hope you can help...
I am doing a charity ride from London to Cannes in March to raise money for one of London's homeless charities (www.landaid.org). The ride is actually pretty brutal covering 1500km in 6 days so fingers crossed for no rain!
As a means of generating some $ for my sponsorship total, i am putting on a pretty corny sounding bike wash in the Tour De Ville yard on Saturday afternoon. It will be a donations only affair, so if you have a permantently filthy steed, come down to get it cleaned off...Being an anal bastard, i am sure to be able to get even the most mucky machines cleaned up!
It is actually going to be sunny tomorrow (wooohoo!), so if nothing else it gives you the excuse for a bit of a ride down to London Fields and (further) perve in the T de V. Got to be good times.
Hopefully a flyer for the wash will appear below (total forum posting novice!).
Cheers -
Oops sorry - total fuck up...here again in hopefulyl the right order. Please ignore previous post.
- Shinscar
- Scott not scot
- 50/14
- Charco
- P!MP
- won't-do-hills
- Big Daddy Wayne
- horatio
- cliveo
- tomasito
- Bianca
- GA2G
- eyebrows
- rik
- kattt (+big sis & mama)
- dante
- VelocityBoy
- ladystardust
- gabes
- villa-ru
- alockett
- spudger
- Gina
- mattty
- Object
- hael
- pIqUe
- Elguapo
- Gustav
- WiganWill.
- tika
- town
- alexb
- slag
- murtle
- Dandy Horse
- VeeVee
- fred
- wools
- Mrlemon
- Squash
- Dammit
- yeh731
- Vic
- Matt (baddesigner)
- Clefty
- kowalski
- fruitbat
- fresh
- Skully
- Mini Skully
- Timmy2wheels
- Dancing James
- Spins
- Speedball
- first lift last call
- andyp
- badtmy
- Jacqui
- DirtyD
- Soul
- Ev
- Prav
- Ferris
- MA3K + Kid
- Vinylvillain
- Wibble
- TheRottenClub
- jonny
- Roxy
- Mike -Trampsparadise
- Snowy_Again
- Timmy
- Mackenzie
- Stelle
- BlueQuinn
- RockSteady
- moog
- Nosferatu
- spaghoops
- Oliver Schick
- Whatamidoing
- johnny h
- stringerman
- shootthebreeze
- Donut!
- Sharkstar
- motman
- arvy
- stimpy - there's be lots of others who i know are friends of eilidh (like me) who arent on this forum who will coming too
- mashton
- Stix
- Khornight (+mrs and child prob)
- VeLLo
- Andrea
- Libtech (I'm also a friend of Eilidh's and know about 10 other people that will be coming)
- marcoisapolo
- Ombre
- MrBig-G
- eddie
- Dilworth
- Johnny Fitz
- danny fitz
- Jo Clegg (I'll be in AUS but will enjoy a ride that day for Eilidh)
- koens
- ondine
- pearcey
- dasmiller
- eggpie
- robvalentine
- TheTeleflorist
- Max72
- Deluka
- sorethroat
- Buffalo Bill
- fatboyralph
- coppiThat
- skiver
- Bombcup
- XTR.
- Pistaboy
- benjeebee
- huge16
- chatters
- BigFatAl
- Robofoxx
- Sano
- Kirth
- somebody
- glory311
- Punkpixel
- dimi3
- ehren_fried_chicken
- philjay
- gus + rae
- Simpson79
- Gormley
- steves
- brunette
- Hatrack
- Balki
- hassanr
- jonlubi +1
- Jonaent + as many people that knew Eilidh as I can get on a bike!
- samuelglanville (i'm in the same boat as hassanr)
- EM
- Minh Ai
- Hops
- Vinylpimp
- mjs110
- Chopkins
- Pistagem & a couple of fixed friends not on the forum
- chris (crabtree)
- Nick (guerillaphoto) and I have room for 2 others, I will be driving from Brighton for this.
- addie
- hillbilly
- JAH tim
- saoirse50
- anderson.jh
- MattS
- Djm778
- Danboy + mrs
- kisu_shimo
- PicKle
- El Squire
- Fixedwheelnut
- dt
- phasergunalex
- robotcommute
- Shinscar
I am keen to ride this. A horrible reason for everyone to get together, but the most valid cause.
- Shinscar
- Scott not scot
- 50/14
- Charco
- P!MP
- won't-do-hills
- Big Daddy Wayne
- horatio
- cliveo
- tomasito
- Bianca
- GA2G
- eyebrows
- rik
- kattt
- dante
- VelocityBoy
- ladystardust
- gabes
- villa-ru
- alockett
- spudger
- Gina
- mattty
25.Object - hael
- pIqUe
- Elguapo
- Gustav
- WiganWill.
31.tika - town
- alexb
- slag
- murtle
- Dandy Horse
- VeeVee
- fred
- robotcommute
- Shinscar
- MA3K
- Shinscar
- gizmond
- gabes
- Slag
- robin
- Superprecise
- Kirth
- Mobidog
- dancing james
- Vinylvillain
- livingasleep
- PinkGottiMobbs
- Jacqui - Doing as she is told!
- Rik
- Peej
- Donut! (if I'm in the country)
- wools
- tika [i was cut]
- rocksteady + 2 friends (1 ss & 1 geared)
- hillbilly (I'll follow from where ever it starts, cause i swing the other way.)
- jar
- Last Caress. Ride ride ride!
- Somebody
- crabtree
- fresh
- Jesus
- Ved
- Dj
- shootthebreeze
- Crispin Glover
- Simon J
- pajamas
- skullbags
- Dropout
- yeh731
- Aleksi
- horatio
- lal
- teddy
- Sparky - 29th Nov would be a birthday ride!
- Pilky - Sparky snap :) 29th would be a birthday ride also.
- Fluff
- Cornelius Blackestfoot (Should be back and riding albeit slowly by then)
- tomasito - hopefully on the new bike, and depending upon date of ride.
- MaxW
- Will
- Hipster
- dandy horse
- usukmetendoller
- oh go on then - mashton
- 31t®um - hopefully it's raining, and am gonna stay right in front of mashton
- VeeVee
- Jaygee
- Caleb - I going to bring my little green house if it rains. And I glueing the chimney on proper this time.
- texas
- fib and friend
- STe5
- Spins
- mmccarthy (first ride, first post here actually =P)
- snowy_again - had too much fun at the last one not to do it again
- ondine
- P!MP
- BlueQuinn
- kisu_shimo (as long as I'm not in Germany! - fingers crossed)
- Harry (another new kid)
- Wibble (depending on whether or not I have rugby)
- Stompy (he he - I got 69)
- Gustav
- Eyebrows
- Ektachrome
- Stuan....First ride with you chaps....unless I'm playing rugby......
- Joelounge....... missed out on the last one in for this!!!!
- Punkpixel
- George Sportif
- Stix....(I might have been num 22 copy and paste confusion)
- Sweaty
- Gav
- Sorethroat
81 . Mackenzie - in.flucx (new to london (studying at UCL) looking forward to meeting everyone looks like a great ride)
- Crankster
- *domeier**
- Build
- Dicki
- Smith (first ride ever !!)
- Stringerman (two fat ladies)
- alockett
- Lucky7
- chatters
- Dr Crippen....you can all give me a hug
- adoubletap
95.mdigy - Hobo
97.Asseenonfixedwheelbicycle (plus some cambridge cunts) - andersb (a cambridge cunt)
- Big Daddy Wayne
- Broker (Where i collect prize?)
- The friend (NOT 'friend') of Billingewill, aka Ed
- Pistanator
103.Snarble (aka member of the death snarble scratchy soundwave squad)
104 Gralegav (is it 10am start?) - damo
- Julio
- Elguapo!
- whatfriends +1 maybe 2
- 50/14
- Charco
111.Spencerwells - Slaytanic1
- Todd
- benanza
- Twist305 (got cut back at number 57 - Texas L2 cut and paste numpty)
- taogeogheganhart +1 (maybe)
- nosferatu +1
- Vinylpimp
- Playswellwithotters
- Synthman
- Jackie Chan
- i am russell + guests
- robotcommute +3
- MA3K
Thanks both, as you can realise forum world is a new world!
Hope to see you both down there.
here's a link the link if interested...