- Ma3k
- Brm
- Owen Reed
- damo (if i'm in one piece)
- Dicki ( aiming for 300 on the list this time )
- blind dan
7.Jacklamusica - Soul
- BlueQuinn
- mmccarthy (hopefully i'll be back from Ireland by then)
- CG
- Jester
- Rob
- Alfred Hitchdov
- Mr.C
- CV
17.lyes888 - Zane Chaos
- LaLiLuLeLo
- joe's miffed
- truli
- wools
- Spins
- Sniffysniffy
- party_paul
- braker
- supertony
- cani
- last_caress
- richiem
- Ma3k
- Oliver DisSchickt Line
- LoverpoolStreet23
- Mr.Circle Line
- cani Street Station
- MarlybOWEN R(ee)d
- mmccannon st.
- Crispiccadilly Circus
- Zane I'll-think-of-a-tube-station-later Chaos
- LaLiLuLeLondon Underground
- Truli's Hill Gate
- mc_nottinghillbula
- Fulham bROBway
- Mongrelybone
- Woolsden Green
- Latimmeehh! Road.
- Joebilee Line smith
- braker street
- richiembankment
- Oliver DisSchickt Line
Hi All,
Being a former resident of Vicky park village, having witnessed the aftermath of this accident and attended the vigil for Shiv Watson I was disturbed to learn that there have actually been some complaints made to the council for the removal of the memorial?!
Pics attached.
Does anyone have any more info on this at all? Has it happened elsewhere? Is there a petition to keep the memorial?
Its pretty disturbing to think there are people in the community willing to make such a complaint.
Any info anyone has would be much appreciated.
Apologies if this has been posted previously