nitto shim + strip of strongbow can failed to make 40's bars fit newish cinelli stem....nitto shim + strip of asda chopped tomato(smart price ones) tin failed to make 40's bars fit newish cinelli stem.
is nitto shim + strip of asda chopped tomato(smart price ones) tin + strip of strongbow can gonna work?....think it'll be prone to slipping................heeeeeeeeeeeeelp!
this is on the road....needs work though....and some considerably less shitty tyres
Go with http://www.20twentystore.com/ cos a fine man by the name of Jonny Mingo will likely price match other stores...dedicated to bmx and if its not pictured on the site just e mail him! Check out http://www.20twentybmx.com/ older posts and you'll get an idea of just how dedicated they are!!!!
i ride an s&m l.a.f. (lucky me!). I'm 6feet and its 21tt....you'll def need 20.8 or longer if you're gonna throw your weight about on it!
commis chef at work popped his head out the side door for a breath o fresh air today...this happens once a day at the most...finds a chap mounting my 3 week old bianchi and is like what the fuck??? Chap says 'you dont know what its like on a housing scheme'...chef says 'thats cos ive got a job you fuckin tit wank'...chap leaves...bike was downstairs in the cellar...chap entered through side door bla bla bla...cant explain how lucky i am to still have a bike...,and how lucky chap is *i* didnt catch him...
neh doubt these have been posted numerous times...doin it anyway...I'm not that keen myself...