Wes Oishi at SoundCycles also sells a lot of track bikes/frames
Last month my friend got pretty trashed and fell on his face while riding. He got back on his bike and continued riding for a while before crashing into the pavement again and breaking his collar bone. At the hospital they found that his nose was broken from the first time he went down so I guess he was too drunk to notice that bit of it.
Well maybe you should just be happy knowing you are better/cooler than 98% of the 'kids' and just leave these fools alone ?
I am.
No srsly I completely agree that "if it gets people on bikes it's all good" but that doesn't stop me from poking fun at those who aren't like me. Especially if they're just like everyone else!
By the way, guys. I LOVE the way you hate on Arrospok's, Deep V's and riser bars with Oury grips.
Back in Los Angeles, 98% of all the kids ride on something to that effect. My friends and I call them DOUCHEBIKES.
In fact, last weekend there was an art showing of fixed gear bikes in Venice, CA and my mate reports that all the bikes were the same (i.e. Deep V's and Nitto drops)... yawn Which is ironic because the flyer for the event touted that fixed gear bikes are about INDIVIDUALITY. ha!
In the same vein, NFT is really helpful for finding nearby essentials and amenities.
And the BlackBook Guides lists a bunch of bars, clubs and restaurants from pricey posh hangouts to trendy hipster juke joints.
Both cover several stateside cities.
my current riding playlist:
Dark Riders - Swollen Members feat. Buc Fifty
Up All Night - El-P
Bike Messenger Diaries - APSCi
City Of Shit - Aceyalone feat. El-P
Go With The Flow - Queens Of The Stone Age
Rush Hour Soul - Supergrass
No Cars Go - Arcade Fire
Survivalism - Nine Inch Nails
Laser Life - Blood Brothers
Plaster Casts Of Everything - Liars
Race:In - Battles
Ride The Sky - Lightning Bolt
Thirteen Monsters - Lightning Bolt -
Check out the film B.I.K.E. which is about Black Label Bike Club and tall bike jousting in Brooklyn and New York City. You won't learn anything about building tall bikes but it's still really good.
Dammit. I always miss London CM whenever I'm in town. And now here I am with the option of either riding on Critical Mass tomorrow or taking a train up to Liverpool to do this gig (i.e. get PAID) and maybe get some riding in up there on Saturday. Any advice?