If you struggle with the site search (which only finds threads, not individual posts) go here:
http://www.google.co.uk/advanced_search?hl=enThen in 'Search within a site or domain:' type londonfgss.com
Then type what you want to search for into 'all these words'.
Alternatively advanced users can just type:
search string site:londonfgss.com
into Google.
Tbh, this is just basic internet skillz innit.
Yeah.... if you're 12! I didn't have a computer at school.. I have to learn this stuff at some point! I was not born into this era where people buy there even their food online!! My first bike proper bike was a brand new Eddie Merckx (Kids Size), I think he'd just lost the last tour..... ;-)
But thanks again, that was actually very useful!
the correct term is "Race-Shallist". The kids round here use it all the time. I think it means you're quite up for having a race?
Thanks Hippy. After some real 'reserach' .... it seems that that if i type "Tyres" into the search box inside 'Bikes n Bits' ..... not one title includes the word tyres. But If I use the 'Search' Tab on the top Tool bar kind of thing... a completely different story. I presumed it would be a more related search, to be inside the category that was about bits!!
Anyway... I'm learning. By the way, what does "OUTFSC" mean? Is it comedically abusive? Or is teenslain looking to online date me?
thanks for the link Andy.
But I still don't understand why the word 'tyre' does not appear in any of the thread titles?
Maybe it's just a skill one develops, but it does seem a little odd. Will I have to learn to search by slightly connected terms?
ie: Frame recommendations..... by tubing etc?
Anyway thanks again for the link.... someones put some real effort in (Ga2G is obviously very usefully and pragmatically OCD)!
There are already so many threads on here about that.... use the search engine!
Well I keep trying... but obviously there is something I'm not doing right.How I work: Choose a category (bikes n bits), type in "tyres", select 'threads only'... press enter!
It gives me a list of threads, in which not one single title has the 'Keyword' in it????
So before being shot down for asking a question like "anyone got any good list of puncture proof tyres?" and told to use the search engine.....
Anyone got any good tips on how it works?
So the swap of my 15t for TheCrane's 16t Surly is the closest to my needs thus far... If no one wants to swap the 14t for anyowt... then it's still for sale. If it comes down to bidding and all I'm getting is a few pence, then I shall reward Gizmonds status as first in the line with the first refusal.
For swapping...I'm in Holloway, but I come through the west and east ends quite regular like. -
Dura Ace 14 and 15 tooth sprockets. Hardly used. Less than 50 miles each.
I had no idea what I as doing with ratios... soon found out!
So now I am selling them!
Happy to swap for bigger sprockets like 16 or 17 ..... or WHY ???
Or sell for whatever the going rate is for slightly used cogs.
presuming that is not 1 english hapenny?
As someone mentioned... the Aluminium (Post) has fused with the steel alloy (Frame) and they are like chemically getting it on! The Caustic soda does work. Not tried Diesel... But Heat also works. I got a steel fabricator to put their torch to the seat tube. Heat it up til it loosens! You do loose paint from the frame! I didn't care coz I was re-spraying.But the perils of not getting it out!!!!!???? I was riding through rush hour traffic with a heavy bag on the same frame with a seized post (the first time it happened)...... It snapped at the seat collar! I fell off backwards (It was an old Kona so I was a little more rearward in my seating than your average LFGSS member!)! Basically the same chemical reaction that is causing the seizing...will eventually cause enough corrosion to snap it. BE WARNED!
Yeah, with the girls, I'll be like.... "Hi there, nice bike! But your front wheel...? Perhaps you'd like me to re-lace your spokes in a more aesthetically appropriate manner? I think that pattern really clashes with your front basket!"
Ok I would like some advice. I'd just like to build a nice set of all weather all riding sealed bearing quality wheels. I'm happy to stick with Open Pros or CXP's, as I've had them on everything from Campag road wheels to a System ex flip flop... or was it a flip flip? Fixed fixed?
But Hubs? I don't know where to start. If I learn to build, then is it not suddenly more economical to own something of quality? As in, I'll be able to keep it running for more than the life of one rim... something I've rarely done... as the cost of a rebuild Vs a bargain new wheel is so hard to justify.
I'm in! But.... What about bits? Do we bring our own? Or do we just watch? Do you recommend taking apart and old wheel to start with... adding new spokes? Or just get a nice new hub and rim and keep taking it apart until it's perfect?
Is the technique the same with dished wheels... can we learn both? 26" wheels.... ah ah ah I'm getting a bit ahead of myself with excitement.... all the girls I can impress! -
Dura Ace 1/8" a 14 and a 15 tooth-ed sprocket (what for to go on your backing wheel please). Bought from Brick Lane Bikes.
Both done bout 30 miles each, so just the slight loss of newness one would expect...otherwise perfect.
Should be cheap to post...or central/North london pick up or meet.
Price.......Was £19 each..... any reasonable offer'll secure em. Or swap something interesting? Useful?
Hmmmmmm......What about bunnyhopping and tight cornering? I too have been riding singlespeed freewheel for the last year and just bought a frame with track ends......but what will happen to cyclocross style of urban assault cycling if i go fixed? Will I be able to change and go back to freewheel without having strange muscle memory issues?
3rd dibs