Hello, long time reader, first time thread starter..
I thought I should share an incident with you from yesterday. I was riding home down towards Rotherhithe and I came off my bike at speed after catching my wheel on something as I jumped between a slow rider and a black cab.
I was on the deck with the cab parked over my bike (he stopped in time before any real damage was done to me or my bike) and the cabbie jumped out and asked if I was alright. I said I thought I was fine (I wasn't) then started to apologise to him as essentially I had cut him up. We were both visibly shaken and he then pulled his cab over, then insisted he drive me and my bike home.
He drove me all the way home to Catford. We had a nice chat; he dropped me off, shook hands then went his way.
The bloke was pretty shocked at the fact he could have run me over, and I was pretty angry at my own stupid riding - mainly for the affect I had on this poor blokeWhilst chatting to him realised that his biggest fear was knocking riders down, and it seemed that no matter what he did to drive safe they constantly put themselves in danger around him (blind spots etc)
The whole incident has restored my faith in humanity, although my leg is now f’cked and I think I have slight concussion – my lid took fair whack.
Didn't go down too well in NYC either... http://gothamist.com/2008/02/03/guerilla_market.php
tynan/pipwish, they look great, I bow down to your speed and design skills!
I know badrider was seriously peeved when he lost his wheels at that pub (left unlocked for only 45 minutes...if any one is selling wheels with green deep V's and blue phil hubs give me a shout, although I suspect they are long gone...)
There are quite few designers on this site, it would be great if someone could knock up a professional looking sign to put up saying "professional bike thieves operating in this area".
The more offical looking the better, and the better the chance of it not being taken down.
As it stands I will never be visiting that pub on a bike.
I think we need to start looking at the real issue here, and thats demand. Somewhere there are people buying very specific, niche bike parts on the stolen black market.
This is either being done to order or people are nicking bikes and using the parts to build other rides to sell to a booming market.
Two years ago these scum would have been targeting mountain bikes, and now the scene has become so big and fashionable they have switched to fixes and s/s's.
Where are the bikes and parts being sold if they are not on ebay/gumtree or bricklane market??
I put a freewheel on my new back wheel last week, but as it was an 18t I want to swap it for a new 16t.
the trouble is I can't get the bugger off. I have checked Sheldon, but he advises a vice, which I don't own.
I have all the tools, and have hit it with a big bit of wood, but to no avail.
Any tips?
is that now on ebay? its just what i need...