My brothers wife on her first commute to work was nocked off her bike by a couple of terrys in a car.
They drove past her and smacked her across the back with a rolled up newspaper and then drove off. She came off her bike and ended up in a ditch. Nothing broken, just cuts and bruises which have all healed now.
What hasn't healed is her confidence. She's not ridden to work since.
Police know who the kids are but have done fuck all about it because she was to busy crashing to get the number plate.
I'd like to get my hands on them fuckers!
A few mindless idiots managed to fuck up a good afternoon. I thought the atmosphere in the library was great until this happened.
Should any Evertonians happen to be reading this I'd like them to know that the vast majority of Arsenal fans do not condone such p*ss poor behaviour by anyone and would apologise on behalf of all reasonable football supporters for such abhorrent stupidity.
Great night, thanks a lot for making me feel welcome on my first forum ride.
I was good to put face to names, although Im struggling now to remember in which order they go, might be the whiskey has something to do with that... No worries though, I never forget a face!
Look forward to seeing you all at drinks.
Its mental huge ques all through the shop and downstairs!