Hi, I'm putting together a bike for my girlfriend, I managed to pick up an old Reynolds 531 frame on ebay for £3.20 but sadly it was too large for her. Looking for something similar but smaller (current frame measures 22')
here is the frame offered:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=200347013957I'd still be interested if people have something to sell rather than swap.
Cheers for looking
edit: should note that she has a phobia of top tubes, so I need something easily step-offable!
Sorry, I appreciate all advice :)
It does seem a shame, it's a nice old thing. Maybe my idea of 'past the point of no return' isn't hardcore enough! It has lots of paint peeling off underneath the bottom bracket and in plenty of other places, and it's pretty rusty where there's no paint.
Maybe I could mask the crest. I don't know the technicalities but I'd assume that would compromise the quality of the paint job? -
These are the only pics I have to hand, you can't really see the damage too well, but the frames painted with green enamel where it's really bad. Couldn't see that on the ebay pics tho!! Trust me, it's fucked. Oh well, I HAVE to spend money on a lovely new paintjob now...
Thanks for the advice on the double fixed, I didn't know you could do that, will look into it.
I'm in Camberwell, pretty near Vaz who I've seen mentioned on here. I think he gets his powder coating done elsewhere though so hopefully his dubious quality shouldn't be an issue...
Thanks for the advice! -
Hi, thought I'd introduce myself before asking some advice...
I'm a new member here although I've been browsing around the forums for a while now as a guest. I've been thinking of going single speed for a while but this place has tipped the balance!
So... I've picked up a nice frame from ebay. Unfortunately the seller was less than honest about the condition of the paintwork, so I'm going to get it powder coated. Which is a pity because part of the reason I went for this frame was because it was a nice looker :(Anyone know what kind of colour charts they use for powder coating? I'd like to see one online (I know looking at colours on a screen won't be too accurate but it's good to get an idea). I'm thinking powder blue but seem to be changing my mind every couple of minutes!
Also, I'm in the market for new wheels, preferably I'd like a flip flop hub (being a noob and all). Any pointers for a cheap option, or even better, anyone selling?
Ideally she's after more of a Triumph style top bar height - I think the theory is she'll be able to hop off quicker when confronted with oncoming lorries...
If you have pics to hand I'll check them out for sure (she might just change her mind if it's the right colour!) otherwise don't put yourself out.