buy this bike, then strip it.
"rag it"? "stick a fixed wheel on it"? you're like the lehman brothers of fixed wheel conversions. "Buy it! fix it! fuck it up, worry about it later, Yeah!"
and furthermore (â“’cornholio blackheart): saying "rag it" about an old carlton like this is a bit like saying 'rag it" about someone's gran. it might be fun for about a second,but when everything starts making strange noises, cracking and falling apart you're going to seriously regret ever messing around with the vintage tubing. the lady deserves more respect.
what with the wet roads I would quite like one now any way but thanks for the idea
seriously i recommend it. this way you don't compromise style and aesthetics at the much-vaunted altar of road safety.
i would even go so far as to say that psychologically, having a 'mock' brake helps me stop, even though i don't have a real one. it's weird.
you can get a 'mock' brake now, it sits on the bolt, but is made of hard-wearing grey plastic, with a thin cable and 'superlite' lever. it looks to all extents and purposes like a brake, but doesn't actually work. this way you can get around the conundrum of not wanting to use a brake, but stay within the letter, or eyes of the law.