Hello dancing james - To assist you, I suggest you address that question to @user69121. Thanks.
Hello bluehuw - Just to confirm it was not me who made the comments you quote under message 140. Thanks. ‘… There's quite a lot of people whom initially supported the couple in principle and tried to help. But unearthed more questions and evidence proving most of the mess is self inflicted.
Several people think it's all a scam, trying to con people and ransom the affected companies...’.
Hello rhb - thanks for clarifying and confirming the AI error. No, the status quo remains - NO TRAINS ARE STOPPING AT ALTNABREAC STATION - in other words it is closed for business, and I would have thought that the possibility of the station reopening any time soon is not really going to happen. The Court case(s) would require to come to decision(s) re legal access, and the there is the long-overdue maintenance of the station platform and the request stop upgrade to take place. Thanks.
Hello Neil - again- although what you have written is spot on, the matters have gone far past that point by now. We are looking at a couple who have had historic Court cases deferred/dismissed, on-going Court cases having to be re-convened, a case currently sisted in the highest civil Court in Scotland - the Court of Session. I could go on, but I hope that I can rely on you to share with other forum members why a Scottish railway station had to be shut, and remains so as we speak. Thanks.
Hello - sorry - cunty usually means: Rude, disrespectful, overly aggressive behavior.
All meanings: 🔆 (vulgar, of a person) Highly objectionable 🔆 (vulgar) Resembling or characteristic of the female genitalia. If so, I won’t be hanging around for long I am afraid, as I have Altnabreac issues, of which I have an opinion, to consider and address. Thanks.
I have no idea as to the opinion of the contributor in respect of the Altnabreac issues, as it is conspicuous by it’s absence, but I may have missed something. I do consider that the following can be described as being ‘perfectly polite’ - ‘…Who the fuck are they? Cunts that live in Scotchland I spose?…’, at least in my books anyway. Thanks again.
Hello t-v - Oh I see - my mistake - at my end that was not showing. Thanks.