Salsa Vaya GRX vs Rondo Ruut St 2 Apex v Croix de Fer 30 thoughts?
https://rondo.cc/ruut-st2,478,pl -
Cheers, think I'm going to have to pass on the Outback due to budget. Was going to get the Kona but the LBS told me 13kg so I held fire. Now looking at the Condor Bivio potentially but again budget and delays... wonder if the Brother Mehteh is the go or is the Croix de Fer 30 worth settling on (11.44kg)?
Hi all, first post sorry if this is the wrong thread but what would your pick be out of a Kona Sutra Ltd vs. Ritchey Outback? Has anyone ridden either? The Kona seems more versatile but I keep hearing great things of the Outback and seems great unloaded too.
https://eu.ritcheylogic.com/eu_en/bike/frames/outback-framesetLooking for something better suited to longer rides to the coast/Chilterns/Cotswolds than my NoLogo SS and coming from an xc mtb background.
Helmet still available and what's the sizing?