I'm surprised one of you Londoners haven't snapped this up yet. If it is a 1969 made frame that's the same year Harm Ottenbros won the world champs and unknowingly launched the Champion Mondial model. Might make a nice addition to a collection.
Although according to the frame numbers on gazellechampionmondial.nl it's a 1968 frame.
Hi, cheers v. much.
They're actually just Deda Piega that I'm sure you've seen a million times, but I've removed the graphics with nail polish remover. If anything else wants to do the same I can confirm that these are the kind of graphics that just melt off in a few seconds with nail polish remover. Stem is just a cheap Zenith.
Enjoyed reading through a few dozen pages here and thought I'd share my now fairly humbled 1981 (the last year of the butterfly brake bridge and the year Hennie Kuiper won Flanders on his Gazelle) AB.
Anyway, thank you everyone for sharing your pictures, where I'm from I've only seen one other Champion Mondial.
Sold- cheers guys.