Below is a link to all the pictures.
Based in Lewisham - would rather not postMichie 44t 144BCD chainring - some life left - £10
Brother's threaded fork- £20
Unknown threaded green fork - £5 / beer
Unknown threaded black fork - £5 / beer
Charge threadless fork off a Plug - £5 / beer -GONEHandlebars:
Drops - wouldn't fit on my bike - FREE
Straight ridgeback - £5 / beer - GONE
Charge bullhorns (+random stem) - £5 / beer - GONE
Random assortment of risers (not the wide ones anymore) - FREE - GONESaddles:
Cobra - pretty ratty - FREE
Charge Spoon - FREE - GONE
Sella Turbo - £10 - GONEBrake callipers:
Both for FREE - GONEStems:
Group of 3 (all 1 inch) - £5 / beer / free - GONE
90 degree - GONE
'Tube' odd angle - GONEThompson Layback seat post: £20
measures 31.5cm from top of clamp
Diameter 30.9mm (I think, from my not that accurate tape measure)
Circumference 9.9cmhttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ePsm8Uee9ezplBacfOupO10-hn0D1NeS?usp=sharing
Yes please, I’ll dm you