The platapus has sold me on the Lanshan - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000263050324.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.6f023c00aDxKIr&mp=1
Just a few questions before I order it in. Apologies if some are blatantly obvious - bit of a rookie!
The advertised tent (the 89 quid one) comes with everything you need minus a pole right? I don't need to buy an inner separately?
In terms of poles, is it best to buy a light hiking pole or is there a better alternative?
Do I need to buy different pegs or are the ones provided ok?
Do I need to buy a groundsheet?
Finally this business with needing to seal the tent up with windscreen sealant? Could someone explain this to me a bit further?
Sorry for the overload of questions. Any answers/advice much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Hi all,
Looking for some advice. I'm thinking of trying to spend some time cycling around the country once lockdown is lifted and I'd love any recommendations for bikes as I really don't know my stuff. I basically want something that is able to be loaded up with a bit of weight (panniers/tent/sleeping bag etc), but is still reasonably light and fast. Something that I can do a good amount of miles in the day, in relative comfort, but won't pack in after a week of hard riding.
I've been recommended a few options - Genesis Tour De Fer 30 (although it seems a bit heavy), Genesis Equilibrium, and then various Surly (Long Haul Trucker etc.), Kona and Dawes models.
I think ideally I would buy something second hand in good condition just to save a bit of cash, but I am not averse to buying new. I was hoping to spend about £1000, but could stretch to £1500 if it was going to be worth it.
Any advice or ebay bargains would be hugely appreciated.
Thanks so much!