Amazing how different the ride is according to when you set off and how quickly you ride. I've never done a DD without seeing bad driving and inner-tubes etc left lying on the roadside, perhaps because I always tend to be running behind.But like you, I've also never had a pitch-black ride all the way.
Thanks for that Oliver, you always cover all angles. I'm assuming that you didn't get wet.
Always good to remember Andrew Rawlings - for those unaware, Andrew was riding the DD in 2006 when he and another cyclist were hit by head on by a van that swerved into their lane.
According to court reports and witnesses, both cyclists were well illuminated, and there was ample streetlighting along High Weald, Essex where the incident took place. Unfortunately, Andrew didn't make it to the hospital. His companion had relatively minor injuries.
The driver responsible for suddenly taking Andrew from his wife and family was arrested and bailed, and eventually charged (not sure with what). He was convicted - £1000 fine, 1 year's driving ban.
There was some discussion among the organisers and shocked riders about the future of the Dynamo, but it was soon decided that it should continue to be held every year, in the same format.
Ola (Nishiki Alien)