How stuck are you with existing waste pipes and services?
Pocket door an option?
I'd put washing machine and vanity unit next to each other with a worktop...mini utility.
Bath v no bath looks like it's becoming less of an issue but if you decide shower only I think you could probably make it bigger and more of a feature.
No personal experience but these guys have popped up when I've been browsing through old planning permissions. https://samplanning.co.uk/
Id recommend spending some time looking through local PP, finding a local company that has had recent success.
Based on sheet wood? https://www.cutlistoptimizer.com/
Fairly shit article. The one it's based on is slightly better - https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax
I think taking shares instead of income should have some level of taxation. (If it doesn't already)
I don't agree with taxing unrealised gains, until it's cashed out there is a risk element that needs to be rewarded.
I've been using this - https://www.timeguard.com/products/time/immersion-and-general-purpose-timeswitches/wi-fi-controlled-fused-spur
App is a bit clunky but fine. Switch feels solid.
This might help - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwKJ7tmMbiQ
Very useful youtube channel for random house stuff.
This was great to read, I stumbled across it after the weekend....whilst drinking some YB. Well done Tom (and Steve).