I'm an idiot. I don't actually mean rack mounts. The tubus rack I have mounts at the rear brake caliper at the top- I just need the mounting points at the bottom. On the Kona i had both mounted there.
I have a preference for a steel fork, which is why I'm not jumping on the Flyer
What do people think of the Pearson bikes? The steel NYSM sounds as though it would be lighter than the paddy wagon. Pearson said around 8kg for their build.
I had wondered about the Flyer
Options I've considered:
1) another Paddy Wagon
2) Genesis Flyer
3) Pearson Now You See Me
4) Wabi classic
5) PompinoIdeal would be a PW but a bit lighter, either bought as a complete bike or built up from frameset....but, if I spent a bit more to get that then there's a chance I'd be a bit more precious about it so possibly best just to get another PW
....also, an option to do without rack mounts and get a seatpost quick release rack for the days that I use panniers (generally only monday and friday)
That makes me feel even luckier than I already felt!
T-boned an SUV that shot out from a supermarket carpark onto road in front of me. I had good line of sight of him. Sounds as though he was distracted by a bus that went past and didn't realise how long it had been since he checked right.
Flew a decent height by all accounts and somehow landed back on the same side I hit rather than going over the bonnet, landing on top of the bike. X-ray'ed shoulder and checked ribs, but amazingly nothing broken.
Kona was 53cm- bought s/h and the 1st owner had put a 10cm stem on it
I was comfortable on it for long rides, but there wasn't a ton of seatpost showing (15cm max) and prob on the limit of stretched out- I did wonder whether a size down would be better. But....it can't have been that wrong given the rides I did on it!
I'm 172cm and ~78cm inseam
Struggling to relate the Pearson geometry to the Kona, but Pearson thought I'd be a Medium
I'm looking for a replacement for a Kona Paddywagon after mine got written off when a car pulled out in front of me last week.
Rack mounts ideally, preferably steel and geometry suited to longer rides (the paddy wagon worked well for me in this regard). Not dead set on anything- the geometry is probably the most important- ticking all these boxes seems to limit me to another Paddy Wagon and not a whole lot else...
Wondering about the Pearson Now You See Me- does anyone know how this compares to the Paddywagon?
Jesus, really? I have the standard one in 21t but need 18t now and I can get the 18t one for the same price as changing the outer teeth on the one I have. So I have the decision whether to go for Trials 18t or standard.
I didn't have to resort to my bell very often with the standard one...