I'm painting the Tour as it happens which you can check out on my instagram :) @CaptainSmithDesign
I'm an artist (job) and cyclist (hobby). I live and work in London despite miserable cycling conditions.
Currently I'm painting the Tour de France as the race happens. I update to Instagram and twitter as the race happens.
I'm promoting a Kickstarter campaign to get the paintings turned into books .
LOOK Mum No Hands has two shops - Old Street and in London Bridge
I'm going there from Thursday to Sunday to paint the Tour live and paint customers as well
http://www.lookmumnohands.com/events/live-drawings-and-caricatures-with-sam-smithSo there's that too!
Rapha is also a cool place but it's not easy to get a seat - but standing is doable. There's one in Soho and one in Spitalfields (liverpool st)
Nacer Bouhani does a good job to get up to the front group who are making sure Kittel is kept behind and out of today's sprint points
I'm turning these paintings into a book - you can check it out here if interested!