You'll find lots of information on this french site:
https://www.forumcabasse.org/w/index.php?title=Galion&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop -
Thanks @salad!
This photo was taken with the camera app (org.lineageos.aperture) provided with iodéOs installed on my smartphone Xiaomi Mi9 and edited with the intense filter of the gallery and some corrections (com.android.gallery3d).
IodéOS is a custom ROM derived from Lineageos and built at Toulouse in Occitanie, the french region where I live. Some kind of local product I recommend.
https://iode.tech/iodeos/ -
Duralex saved by Robin Hood!
Elvis in his mid 20s was bedding a 14 year old girl…..
Indeed but it was for pajama parties or pillow fights.