probably shops don't want to take responsibility for this ( and they are right) but if i were you i will try to diy it. pick some good pliers and try to bend it into position. usually mielec use some thick materials and you can possibly be able o make it usable. anyway try it, you have nothing to lose at this point.
I had an civivi elementum and it's a pretty capable EDC knife, it's the right size for me fit my pocket and my hand really good. Have a look at civivi line up they are great quality knife at a good price usually and maybe you find another one that you like better .
In the pic from left to right : Civivi baby banter (the only knife i bring with me everyday), Civivi altus (almos same size as elementum but with a button lock), Civivi elementum (damascus blade version). All of them have custom https://unlockedcomposites.com/ scale.You can look at Kizer knife, the begleiter mini is in the same range as elementum, if you want something good but cheaper go with a Qsp penguin, if you want to spend a bit more go with the We knife banter.
Probably it's also your cheapest option. We had way of saying in a Italian fixed gear forum : Vetta could make it better and at half the money... The paint is the only down side, they are not bad but a bit uninspiring. You can have the frame naked and have some paint wizard put on a good hip hop livery
I say go for https://www.vetta.it/ . They have years of experience, they are great people and when you read other brand say: made in Italy in Padova they are the one making that frame
It's one of these https://www.knivesandtools.com/en/pt/-civivi-elementum-c907c-ds2-damascus-shredded-silver-carbon-fibre-pocket-knife.htm . it's really well made and the blade is beautiful and quite sharp, it open super fast. It's a liner lock so i don't think is legal to carry around ( i'm not sure about the legislation here in spain but it will not leave my studio desk anyway). the scale look deep and change a lot if you move it around but to be honest even if the ergonomics is good i don't particularly like the feel ( probably the wood option would have been better). I bought it because i think it look super cool so i'm happy and i'm sure it can open all my package fine.
The welds are very clean, it's a leisure ride so i never push it to the limit but i cannot fault it in any way, the only things that i m not totally fond of are all related to choice that i made not on the manufacturer that do exactly what is asked for so you have to be really specific with your requirement.
this look similar https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32704024947.html but i have no idea about the quality or strength
I bought this recently https://es.aliexpress.com/item/1005002099522925.html? all the shimano parts are original but without boxes, they where in bags. it arrived in less then a 20 days. i think the same seller have some road groupset as well. If the price is right it's a thumbs up from me.
https://es.aliexpress.com/store/group/Bicicleta-de-carretera-de-grupo/3685083_515045070.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.100008.5.14b87ed7xkEBdW this is another seller i used before and the experience is basically the same as the other
are you sure it works correctly? i'm positive that the original columbus fork is 1 1/2 and this cannondale is 1 1/4