Hello everyone!
I ride a bike in Lisbon, Portugal. My name is Miguel aka Mike, I dig collecting vinyl (I love to buy records from the flea market to sample), I dig tapes and graffiti books (I dig a lot the Pichação Brazilian scene, something that has a lot to with the punk scene). I like to make music, I’ve done already 2 e.p.’s and I am now into a more serious project. In general, I’m into street culture.
About my bike: I bought this frame last year, I already had a fixed gear bike since 2011, but I’ve never had a track frame. Last year I’ve decided to spend some money in a used track frame, because I dig old school stuff and I bought a few more components to have the bike that I always wanted. I bought this used frame, so that I won’t have to wait much longer to build one at Masil (local frame builder) and, besides the wheels, it was me who build the whole bike. -