Yes. It's supposed to be matching colours. I don't know how the capacitor is wired inside. So to me it's also a bit funky.
But i suggest then, try switching cables at the hub connecter first. If that doesn't work switch cables at rearlight. If that doesn't work. Don't ever listen to me again or something's fucked.
sry for the late reply, bought ca. 8 years ago, german mailorder "house brand", alu steerer, kind of cheap
didn't believe in finding one, but actually found one that should match
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/313302874661?hash=item48f24e7a25:g:VscAAOSw8WlfsoIe -
I said I wouldn't necessarily recommend, i take that back
"Maybe I’m just making these excuses as I don’t want to go to Bristol and actually can’t handle when the exact thing I want is presented to me because the thing is not what I want, I just want the self flagellation and the eternal spiral" - Maj
perfect candidate, do highly recommend
did that,
cold-set to 130mm,
made the dropouts parallel again,
got an old hanger from another crashed frame brazed on,
full external housing with zip-tiesgo on, if you like to, i wouldn't necessarily recommend, but if you already have most of the stuff, do it, it will work
the only inconvenience i have is the back brake, because of using mini-vs and their little tolerances in setting up, taking the wheel in and out is a little more time consuming, so the breakpads are aligned
still love it
some more little input on the spacing part,
a lot of old hubs can be re-spaced, usually there is a spacer on the nondrive-side, you can take out or replace,
you should dish the rim afterwards and maybe have to shorten the axle -
my guess is you're just oversensitive, better to call careful, which is a sign of love
can't really overtighten them 48Nm - 54Nm is recommended, 40Nm will still do the Job and is even a little more than most people would put on a square taper when trying to prove their toxic masculinity to give a relation if there's no torque wrench -
i just want to confirm that there's only one style of gxp cranks
must be something else,
- either your cranks spindle is already much used
- or your sense for "nipping" the bearings is too sensitive, when the cranks only spin one
round when tipping that's more than usual when the bearings are full of grease - sram recommends putting more grease on the spline, sounds stupid i know, works frustratingly well, shows the inferior design of that spindle design (still got 10 bikes with gxp cranks on them right now ;))
- either your cranks spindle is already much used
haha, ok, didn't get you, thanks for the effort, first picture is spot on for your argument, laughed, for me it was more about the route than the bike when posting
cables vs hydro has already been featured a lot, but the argument of aesthetics over function considering just the hood shape never appeared. To make it funnier it's not even compressionless housing. Compromising. Vanity.
i think there should be a non obligatory seminar to the end of the year
overbiking vs. underbiking - and can we eliminate everything inbetween just for the comfort that comes with compartmentalisationCould someone please check the schedule. I've lost track. Sry
alu steerer, nothing really fancy, but still unicorn-esque
I would like to see the circuit diagram.