stand there and watch him?
I decided to join him but of course, spending a couple hundred EUR for a dirtbike is not my style
So i decided to buy a way-too-small
correct line.
Now, I’ve watched a lot of these but one thing Mr Gwynn said that I’d not heard before was why you - basically if you look at a spot in the corner
stand them up on flat ground & encourage them to shimmy it from side to side to practice balancing - don't be tempted to hold on to them to help them, instead of correcting
Test positivity still climbing. I still think there's a bottleneck in the test network which is masking the true growth. I have no evidence. I stand
correct but I always jacked my Astra with the jack on the flat bit below where the control arm meets the subframe/chassis - pictured bottom left - and I’d use a bit of wood