Hello. Looking for a bit of a steer on costing a bigger job. I'm a shooter/editor but would be just shooting on this job with a creative director and a photographer. Mainly interviews and b-roll capture.
Baseline details are 4 shooting days in Vietnam, 4 in Indonesia and 4 in Singapore, over approx 3 weeks with travel time. Being asked for an estimate excluding expenses.
Thinking of my day rate x12 which I would consider a decent return. Would a production company/ client expect a discount for booking a 12 day block? Or should I be charging more as there's additional days on the job where I obviously can't be working on other work.
There is additional interest personally in terms of the aspect of travelling to those countries so I don't want to scare them away but also aware it could well be a grueling job in practice.
Any thoughts or similar experience would be great!
Sweet, the navy blue dial is cool too.
Looking for a set of carbon track wheels, ideally 50mm deep or less, can be clincher or tub. Not looking to break the bank, don't have to be perfect cosmetically but have to be all good structurally.
Don't have to be anything spiffy, novatecs laced to chinese rims would be all good.
Will need posting to Ireland - so EU would be ideal cos I think they are murking us with customs from the UK.
@cornelius_blackfoot Yep it'd be my own gear, which I factor into rate.
Thanks all for the sage advice. I've been able to come back with a sensible figure that serves everyone involved well given the job at hand. I would have lowballed myself otherwise. Much appreciated.