Veggies etc going great guns now I have surreptitiously dealt with the result of my wife's companion planting ideas along with her refusal to weed. Courgettes coming on nicely. Toms likewise. Harvesting beetroot already + kale. Already had all the redcurrants and just waiting on the goosegogs and blueberries. Beans finally looking healthy.
Nematodes are great. Nary a slimy bastard in sight.
Talking of phasing - needs sorting coming onto smellypants & castle from Newington Causeway. Traffic from the London Road is consistently still coming round the bend when the cycle lights go green. Seen a few near misses (not to mention the bloke hit by a scaffolding truck a little while back).
Of course, I'm assuming its phasing. Could just be tossers jumping red lights. If so bus drivers are doing it with alarming (or wearying) regularity.
Sounds like the wrong place to ask but any tips for getting rid of them? We have an especially mangy specimen living under the wee girl's trampoline and shitting liberally around our garden / drive / neighbour's garden / path.