Enjoying this but it is nowhere near the level of the Mandalorian. Not quite down with Book of Boba Fett yet! Some enjoyable performances though. Liking the Jedi Fallen Order element to it - definitely room in this space for some great stories to be told but just not with such established characters.
That said still have high hopes for Ahsoka...
The way it was described to me was that barking at visitors is now his 'job' in his eyes and you'll have to train him to have a different 'job' when someone comes to the door. The training vid we saw was to have someone come to the door and knock, you have Ollie on the lead and when they arrive you ask him to go to his bed (take him there if necessary) and reward him when he sits down. Repeat etc.
Comet will go crazy when someone comes to the door. He isn't agressive he just really wants to meet the new person, but the poor person doesn't know that. We haven't been committed or consistent enough using the above method so we've not made a lot of progress but he is better. Postie just rolls his eyes at him now.
Southwark was my old fave (even though that was where I smashed my collar bone in 2017). Totally segregated, generally very safe and the north side lights are very cyclist friendly. You can avoid the worst bits of the approach by diverting along Great Guildford St - longer but less cyclists and left-hooking trucks.
That was when I went Penge, Crystal Palace etc to the City. Have switched now to Waterlink way, Catford, Nunhead, Bermondsey, London Bridge route which is very much more relaxed and easier on my f-ed knees.
Wondered why our lad was in the huge laurel we have at the back of the garden barking incessantly at something. Usually if he's barking it's at the dog next door. Popped my head in the laurel and he's stood barking at a dead baby fox. So now I'll have to get rid it but not straight away as my daughter won't forgive me if I don't let her see the corpse first...
Odd - I've never not been able to pick up something I didn't already have i don't think. That said it does sort of try to restrict you from being too gung-ho. The guns are pretty weak and completely ineffective against the xenomorph and some androids. A shooter it ain't. Also if you play at harder levels things like the flamethrower for warding off the Xeno quickly becomes less and less effective.
The end result was a dog with a ball that he still won't let go of, and another ball on the other side of the field.
Yup - have been there. I think with ours it was just training the 'touch' command and he's stopped doing it, mostly. Nowadays he will still play the game on occasion but usually only if he's tired and now it just consists of lying down and refusing to budge. The first time he refuses to drop it on command it goes back in the bag. Tough love!
Very much so - ours seems very convinced that either we are all dogs or he is a human and looks genuinely confused, put out and frustrated that we don't all perfectly understand each other all the time. I'd love to see how he would be if we had another dog. Last time he spent an extended period with another dog it was a cocker spaniel pup who was quite untrained and he just ignored her most of the time almost as if he regarded her as a different species.
Our poodle is very possessive of (and obsessed with) his ball to the point that we have to ration it. When he was a pup there were a few occasions when we couldn't get him back on the lead because he knew that meant leaving the park and no more ball. You will not catch a toy poodle that doesn't want to be caught. As it is we restrict it to small bursts as the longer he has it the more he wants to keep it and I've done a lot of drop training with him to combat it. However, as I'm sure you know, poodles can be stubborn af in completely random ways.
When it comes to high value treats he just runs around the flat whining looking for a place to 'bury' it, which is usually under one of our pillows or in a washing basket. Neither places you want a stinking bit of tripe sitting.
Re CP2077 - Get yourself on nexus mods and mod it a bit - I have CyberEngine Tweaks and Phil's HDR. very straightforward to make it look even better especially if you have an RTX card. I have settings that sharpen everything as well as making it all a bit darker and more contrasty - neon heaven. Latest patch is good but the game has been in an pretty good state for a long while now at least on PC.
I've had lunch at that golf club! It was exactly as good as the menu looks.