Cheers chaps for info. @Turkish I’m not quite ready yet but that’s a great price, thanks. I’m north though 😐
Dear forum folks, knowledge request please. I have a V1 Pompino whose 135 OLD spacing makes it a PITA to get wheels which are both rim brakes and tubeless. They simply don’t make them off the peg unless I spend more than double the bike’s worth for Hope or Hunt etc. Therefore custom build might be the only route, but then the cost of the wheel builder might also make this economically unviable. So I’m back to square one and considering selling the bike, which I really don’t want to do as it’s a cracking ride. Long way of asking a question, but how much should I be expecting to pay someone to build a set of wheels? Anyone have a rough idea please?
@rhb, yes, that is a very good idea - thank you! Any reason for the genetic recommendation or would any do. I’ve already got a pair of very similar On One chain tugs you see...
I’ve got a Baby blue Pomp, think it’s a V1, with 135mm rear hub spacing. (Frame and most other bits bought from a selection of very nice people on this forum. ). I’m trying to run it as a SSCX over the summer, but am struggling with punctures and track wheels that are not really up to the job. Ideally I want some off the shelf tubeless ready clincher wheels with 135 OLD. However that would appear to be impossible unless I go custom, which would basically quadruple the cost of the entire build. Any idea folks?
hi forum friends. Anyone got any idea where i can get off the shelf single speed wheels with a 135 OLD to fit my 135 OLD baby blue Pompino? Currently running miche pista track wheels with 130 axle that barely fits in but could do with a spare set. Failing that regular cassette wheel(s) that I can convert to single speed.
Oh, and ideally tubeless ready, fixing puncture with track bolts can be such a faff -
thanks @velosaurus, yes they are 10mm vertical dropouts so i may just replace the skewers in teh fist instance as they do feel a little cheap
Excellent, thanks for the info. Looked into Hope, Hunt, DT Swiss etc but shied away because they would cost 2/3 of what I paid for the complete bike! But I suppose I just have to accept that I’m not going to get a bargain basement pair of wheels for my needs (cheap-ish winter hack) and at least the premium stuff could be reused in future, possibly more expensive, bike investments.
I've got a Charge Cooker 0 SS 650+. It's been awesome but all I would say is be wary of differing standards when looking at frames. My intention was to swap out the 650+ with narrower tyre'd 29ers for summer riding, but trying to find 29er wheels off the shelf with a 135 OLD has been more difficult that it should be, in my opinion. The bike is only 3-4 yrs old and is essentially obsolete. If I'm simply ignorant of the right places to look please do enlighten me!! could be an excuse for a new bootzipper though...
thansk @Rodolfo, Magic Gear it is then. New concept just learned!
Might have to sell my Charge Cooker 0 to fund this, which is a 650Plus singlespeed. It will fit 29er wheels but its nigh on impossible to get 29er wheels for a 135mm hub. Although its only about 2/3 years old, it would seem its already out of date.
Mind you, i love that Charge, it's a great winter MTB ride, but I don't know if I can be arsed building up something else from scratch. Costs and time will soon mount
Nice. My mates got one and loves it. What is maximum rider height approximately please?