One issue the Tories will have in getting any Rwanda bounce is that this summer will be a clusterfuck for them on small boat arrivals as the French police will be diverting all their resources to the Paris Olympics and any joint working/ extra resources requests will be met with a Non. Even BAU from the gendarmerie may not be possible.
The euros will also have a knock on effect all though will probably be less pronounced. -
Marrakesh airport - flew out of it yesterday - what a cluster fuck of a place. Bags scanned twice, passport inspected by five different people, including one guy twenty yards after passport control checking passport control had stamped everyone’s passport. An hour to get airside. Never going to go back there after that.
. I also don't really doubt that it could have been made viable as a pub.
It’s on a bit of mitcham with really shit public transport, on the corner of a very busy junction with a two carriage way road and it had, iirc, no decent outdoor space. It was always a bit dingy inside as well . There used to be four pubs there within one hundred yards, one of which had a much better location and I think they may all be closed now. Also having worked in Mitcham, near this particular pub ( I used to drink in quite regularly) and living a couple of miles away I wouldn’t drink in any pub in Mitcham.
Mrs Uu raced Dorney a few times bitd and never carried anything, with decent - not ultralight tyres it was a reasonable risk to take there. Biggest risk at Dorney always seemed to be bad riding from amped up complete nodders.
For half IMs in Ireland she had a micro pump, a couple of levers and a tube - you can pack it up quite small and shove it under the saddle, with co2 more so. Given that she has no real idea how to swap a tube even after nearly twenty five years of proper riding it was all a bit academic though!
Moose Cycles in Colliers Wood, one of the best mountain bike shops in London is slowly closing down, probably shutting in August. Great shop, we’ve had at least eight Mtb or Cx bikes from Greg over the years as well as lots of servicing and a real loss to the area.
Big bargains on the remaining stock
That merc is lovely. Buy it!