Bit more bantam fettling yesterday. Having achieved a running engine, a semblance of tick over and pumped up tyres decided to investigate the many rattling noises. Looks like they were down to the seat, both rear shocks, the kick start lever and the petrol tank all being loose. Much quieter now and did an evening spin getting up to about forty ish which is enough on a boreen. Next step is to see if tyre technology has moved on since Avon ribbed tread as cornering was interesting.
Also need something to stick in / over the nacelle where the headlight used to be as lights have been dispensed with. -
A battle between mechanical idiot and bastard British two strokes ended in a surprise victory for the idiot today.
Nice sunny day so wheeled the 1968 bantam out the shed it’s been in for probably four or five years. With a lockdown YouTube diet of Americans fixing trucks and abandoned farm implements I managed to sort out some spark from the aftermarket electric ignition kit, diagnose a carb problem and then take apart an Amal carb. Obviously I didn’t learn the lesson from fixing a new chain on the road bike yesterday - don’t work with little fiddly bits on a grass yard (lost half a quick link) and only spent five minutes looking for the float axle. No idea what was wrong with the carb but leaving a fuel filter of and the bastard thing starts!!
Having ridden it round the lanes it is still a heap of crap and no wonder the British bike industry went to the wall, my c90 is safer, quieter and a nicer ride. The bsa feels as though at some stage it will either head for a hedge or just stop dead but still a day of victory for me. Now to remember what the gear pattern is. -
Mr Wallace, popular among Tory members for his handling of the war in Ukraine,
How the fuck is the UK’s role in support to Ukraine being talked up as “handling of the war”?
From the STW passport thread;
Yes & no. I applied ten weeks ago. Not heard anything since. Applied for an upgrade two weeks ago. Heard nothing. Dozens of phone calls with differing advice every single time I spoke to someone. Ended up going to the passport office who were brilliant but can’t do anything until you’re within 48hrs of travel. Managed to sort it after being extorted for more cash. Upgrade is £66 and takes a week. I applied for this 10 days ago but was told yesterday that I need the Fast track service as I travel on Monday. This is £100. I obviously paid but seems a bit sneaky to me!
If the call centre was as informative and clear as the staff at the passport office were I would’ve had a lot less stressful few days!!
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I suppose the should cremate him on a load of old pallets really, it’s what he would’ve wanted.
So the Honda c90 wasn’t ulez compliant, this resulted in a trip to riverbank bikes and handing over £175 for them to declare it ulez compliant after a dyno run. No work on the carbs needed sailed under the limit. Now I hope I don’t get pinged for the few days I used it a week or so ago after the TfL website said it was exempt. TfL really have shit websites.
Got slightly distracted at the bike shop by the plethora of really interesting stuff they had out back. My favourite being a lovely Kawasaki hardtail. Do not buy a hardtail, do not buy a hardtail. -
The shortage is more acute in London because many motorcycle cops were put on VIP protection because of terrorism.
Is there some evidence of that , just curious. Afaik most motorcycle police were just traffic officers who had also passed the bike course, protection requires a firearms ticket which is a different kettle of fish so not easy to just reallocate people. only bikes I see doing escorts around town are Special Escort Group who have always been distinct from traffic. In fact priti Patel is outside and she’s in a two car convoy with no bikes.
More “look who’s dead” than RIP
https://www.rte.ie/news/newslens/2022/0630/1307812-sonny-barger/ -
Friday and on a beach, Sceilg Mhichíl / Star Wars island off in the background.