Bastard cold this morning, never got really warm on the way in.
I have to admit since October’ish I’ve been hating cycling in to work. Don’t know why but the thought of it just depresses me but once I do it I’m usually ok, just a general lack of cycling mojo, might be linked to a bad winter but roll on warmer weather.
Also worth saying that being fined by HMRC doesn't mean anything other than HMRC are of the opinion that you owe them money. They are not a court.
From experience as a gentleman of the excise, as opposed to the revenue, acceptance of a HMCE penalty always required an admission of guilt as part of the process and if the penalty was declined proceedings would start, so a little more than an arbitrary fine.
Man shot by dog in car fail.
Sorry to piss on your chips but I have an frv, had to buy a higher car for elderly parents to be able to get into and I probably would not recommend them. Space in the back is tight with the front seat all the way back (and mine is even though I’m only 6’ 1” ish) the middle front seat is small and when I’m position I find it adversely effects rear view when turning back to look out the rear window for reversin (it does fold flat) The handbrake is a really shit design and so drivers don’t use it and ride the clutch. The vehicle feels really wide and it is quite awkward to judge where the front and rear ends of it are (worst of any car I’ve had). Apparently changing the clutch is a big job. It’s a Honda so some cunt will steal the catalytic converter, which will be over a grand for aftermarket replacement
Plus points 2.0 Honda is fairly bulletproof, comfortable if not exciting ride, big boot.
It’s not the worst car but in town i prefer our Skoda roomster bike hauling car. -
He’d already been charged prior to absconding hence held on remand, suicide copper hadn’t been charged hence he was on bail / release under investigation whilst the investigation continued. There was no legal avenue to remand him in custody for that period.
Rather than relying on Channel 4 and the Google school of case law, try reading PACE, start with sections 42 onwards and then move on to the Codes of Practice.
My father died in October, his half of the marital home goes straight to my mother. His savings were all in a joint account with my mother and the bank are happy for it all to switch to her sole ownership. Other than a few shovels I might take there’s fuck all else. There’s no liability to death duty or any taxes. Am I right in thinking I don’t need to apply for probate or notify hmrc?
Innocent until proven guilty isn't a human right.
Fuck sake it is actually article 11 of the UN charter of human rights
“Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.”
I’m glad you have studied law via C4 but one your link doesn’t work two you are confusing detention under PACE for the interview with remanding in custody post charge.
We both agree the police had proof of CP
I presume you mean probable cause which is not a term in Uk law enforcement. To arrest you need to have a person’s involvement or suspected involvement or attempted involvement in the commission of a criminal offence. (As well as necessity). This is a far lower threshold than the decision to charge which is not a police decision in this case. Suspicion is also not evidence.
As detailed above downloading , and then viewing, devices takes months , it is necessary to ensure the correct charge, if any, is laid, that all offences are investigated, to ensure the totality of offending is presented as this may impact sentencing and to identify and safeguard any victims .How do you know he expressed any suicidal thoughts. The wrong precinct thing is just cobblers, he lived in a different force area, that’s quite normal with the Met.
In our club forum KWCC, Nas at Pearsons was recommended as was Jimmy Wilson at cyclefit