I'm learning a lot today.
OK, so what will most probably happen when I drop into the store after work today is that they'll try and sell me a 1/8" chain. At that point I have two options:
1) Given the wear on my old one, and the fact a 1/8" chain will work with the rest of my setup, I accept the new chain, but probably insist on a discount or not paying for labour.
2) Do not accept a new chain, and ask that they remove the 1/8" cog so that I can get a 3/32" cog elsewhere. Get my refund for both the cog and the labour, and be on my merry way.
Thanks again, all of you.
I've been riding my Genesis Flyer freewheel since I bought it last year, but last week my fixie-curiosity overcame me and I decided to buy a fixed cog to go on the other side of the flip-flop hub.
Now, I know I'll get some stick for this, but I decided to buy from Evans and, since I'm a beginner at this bicycle maintenance lark I asked them to fit it to the bike too.
So, 40 minutes later they give me my bike back. They say there's a fair amount of wear in the chain, so I should consider getting that replaced fairly soon, and they've put it back in freewheel mode. Since it's 6pm on a weekday and I have no desire for my first fixed gear experience to be in rush hour traffic, I'm fine with that. I pay for the cog and the labour and go on my way.
Now, when I get home I break out my spanner and flip the wheel round. That's funny, I think, this chain isn't fitting very well onto the cog. I struggle to get the wheel turning at all. That doesn't seem right.
With no ruler to (now very oily) hand, I go online (with now very oily iPad) and check the tech specs of my bike for the type of chain I have. Maybe a compatibility issue? Sure enough, it turns out the chain I have is 3/32", and the cog I've been sold is 1/8". A cursory Google, followed by a sudden bout of common sense, suggests that this combination of cog size and chain size is a no-no. It seems to me to be the sort of thing that should've been noticed when they were fitting it.
I called the shop this morning and explained the problem, at which point I was told that the trouble I was having was to do with the wear in the chain, not the size of the cog they'd sold me. I'm skeptical.
I'm going in to the shop to sort this out tonight, but I want to go in armed with as much knowledge as possible so I don't get shafted. As such, I've got a few questions.
- Can you ladies and gents confirm that there's definitely a compatibility issue here?
-To what extent could wear in the chain affect how well it fits onto a cog? If my chain was brand-spanking new, would I at least be able to get it to work?
Am I within my rights to ask for my money back?
What's the best course of action?
-Is there anything I shouldn't let them talk me into?
- Can you ladies and gents confirm that there's definitely a compatibility issue here?
Surprisingly few cyclists on the road for such a lovely morning. Almost had the CS7 to myself for a good stretch between Stockwell and Kennington.
-3 points for car pulling out of a side road without looking.
+1 points because his window was down and he heard me yell "You didn't look there, did you mate?"8/10 Would ride again.
*Edited because I can't do maths.
Had my first clipless mishap weaving through some traffic on Kennington Park Road just after Oval. Stopped to let someone filter up the right of a stationary car, had to do so quite quickly, forgot I had to clip out.
Luckily there was a very nice Jag for me to put my hand on for balance, so I didn't hit the ground.
Otherwise a very good commute - the benefits of being clipped in are pretty awesome. Speedy on the straights.
Taxi crossing Southwark bridge northbound at about 8:40 this morning seemed fairly unhappy to find a cyclist using the road rather than the segregated bike lane. You could tell by his use of the horn.
I arrived at the lights on the north side of the bridge to find them both discussing the matter. Cyclist attempting to explain that he isn't required to actually use the bike lane, clogged up as it is at that time of the morning with slowcoach cyclists like myself.
Taxi driver insisted that "I'm just worried about your safety, mate", which, as the cyclist pointed out to me afterwards, roughly translates to "I don't have enough confidence in my driving, or that of my colleagues, to pass you safely, so probably best if you just fuck off out the way."
What a considerate man.
Hi all,
Been lurking around here for about 6 months, thoroughly enjoying the commuting and bad cyclist threads. Figured it was about time I got involved.
Moved to London last year for work. Started cycle commuting as an alternative to losing the will to live on the northern line every morning.
Used to own a heavy-as-fuck entry-level cyclocross bike, which was clunky and poorly maintained. In November I bought a Genesis Flyer and have never looked back. Not sure why I ever needed gears in the first place.
Currently riding with a freewheel, but would describe myself as fixie-curious.
See you on the CS7,
Just got off the phone with On Your Bike. The gentleman said he didn't have any 3/32" cogs in stock, but advised that I'm probably better off just buying a 1/8" chain because they're better at dealing with the stresses and strains of fixed gear riding.
(Can't help but feel that's the sort of thing you say if you want to start a debate around here.)
I'm leaning towards a new chain. Probably from Evans, despite the cock up.