This may be a shot in the dark but looking for a 60cm Peugeot Triathlon 531 F&F - I've always wanted one and finally have the cash.
also looking for cheap parts for a beater build for my brother. I'm trying to scavenge as many parts as I can for free since he is a broke student. So far I have a 60cm peugeot frame from the forum (Thanks @msutton30, it is perfect!) and an Alexa front wheel in alright nick that I found in a local skip.
DIBS: I would love the Peugeot for my brother - he has a dying BSO hybrid but I am planning on giving him something nicer to get him into riding proper.
I actually have a rawed and clearcoated 56cm carbolite Peugeot frame at home I bought for this reason but it turned out to be too small for him - I would be willing to give it away to someone on here for free if I could take yours off you?
I'm looking for a 58cm c-t (or potentially 60cm) full 531 frame and forks for a beater/commuter/all rounder build.
Would like full 531 but willing to try something different if you're looking to get rid of an old frame, any offers are very welcome.
Would be willing to swap for http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181723696035?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 which was designed for 27 inch wheels.
Thanks :)
If this is the wrong place for this please forgive me...
I've been riding an old 58 (56cm TT) cm raleigh 3 speed roadster converted to SS for the last year or so. It is quite upright with relaxed geometry and a stem with no real forward reach. I'm wanting to upgrade to something a little faster and was wondering if I would need to size up or down when taking the different angles, much longer stem and drop bars into account, or stay at 58st/56tt.
I know there will be no substitute for sitting on a bike before I buy but I think I will end up buying online.
If anyone can make a suggestion I would be hugely grateful (and feel free to make a recommendation on a suitable bike while you're at it!)
Hello! I have been riding SS for about a year and fallen in love with it. Been lurking here for a while in a mission to expand my knowledge and prepare to build something a little faster.
Currently riding a heavy raleigh 3-speed I bought with a busted Sturmey Archer hub and so converted to single speed.
dibs if not already taken?