@kjlem, I always climb with my nose touching the front wheel.
No, didn't bother. Even when climbing 15% roads the wheel stayed where I wanted it to be.
Thanks. Yeah, Funk are great. I'm only starting to realize how lucky I was to find this one. It was on Markplaats for almost half a year but before I thought it was just some scam or with one or other hidden defect. But it looks like this bike hasn't been on the streets before. No dust where you expect to find some on a used bike. Chain, cogs, brake blocks,... everything looks like new and unused (except the seatpost and saddle).
Thanks @Light_EDDed. It needs a bit more "body ", that´s for sure.
Also started this one. Got my inspiration from a photo I found when looking for pics for a presentation I had to give for work. It depics miners from a uranium mine in Congo, somewhere in the late 50's. The photo shocked me as these (proud) miners weren´t aware of the dangers they were exposed to.