Good afternoon!
I'll continue publishing some random stuff until (hopefully) someone else joins the conversation.
This is something I call "Interfaces without Implementation" - it's a geeky name usually associated with software design.
The gist is that we live in the society and we've been brought up to believe that the society has all the answers. It's also our "conditioned" reality because, arguably, we're more societal creatures than natural. Most of natural threats have been counteracted by the society, so most of the threats that we are facing are the ones coming from the society itself.
Then the premise is that we have an elaborate list of specifications for the society we live in and we think of those as buttons that do something. Let's say - a button in a submarine labeled "Raise the Periscope". So we're taking stock of what's available and find all sorts of useful buttons and levers and we chart our navigation plan confident that we have every eventuality covered.
Now, I go on to say that unless we test these buttons or unless someone is accountable that behind these buttons there's actuation and what happens as a result lives up to the design specification - we can't be sure that these buttons are not just mocks - interfaces without implementation.
Anyway, have a read and comment. It's all a bit of fun.
There's a trainload of people out there grappling with despair regarding the trajectory of our planet, concerned that we're regressing morally and mentally, and the system we live in is broken and corrupt.
But, is it possible to avoid apocalyptic ruminations and channel energy into constructive thinking? Try to identify opportunities, look ahead and work towards building a better world?
If anyone's interested, let's build some sort of theory and classify what's wrong with the world, then our immediate surrounding, our social groups and finally ourselves.
Next thing would be defining what are the frustrations that stop us from being content and work on how to remove them. I'm imagining some sort of co-operative sub-groups that would have more power and more expertise and use collective wisdom to overcome problems.
It's really a tabula rasa - let's see what emerges :-)
The thing is - progress, a better society, justice - is possible, just not in the way we go about doing it. It's really important to understand the system first.
Our individual agency is completely servile to the structure agency - which means that we can't even think outside the constraints that the system is imposing on us. The constraints come in the shape of norms, laws, culture, the design of the social and politicial institutions. Even the communication and the language are all subject to structure's infrastructure.
Most people can't think outside the execution paths that are "provided and endorsed" by the system. So, if you want to do something, you use the procedures that the system wants you to use - activism, lobbying, voting - and no wonder nothing happens.
A killer deal! (actually sold for £221 - not that cheap :-( ) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235812676296?_skw=lenco+turntable&itmmeta=01JC6MD5ZZ8JRS4NKDPZWEH064&hash=item36e787e2c8:g:WdQAAOSwB4BnJLDW&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmB5Xh1Q9QoblKGrG0UKBHMlGa4c5sf2i8%2BEg6xz7V1F3DroTG7efQW4UzMcvbKympO1gw8F2K%2BRI1F11qOrNrTj%2BH7ONzlJZg82SCUzDtq93jZUkqTEwLseeV4nbS9mwrZrau3urFa2trvOZRCRvCBWkwv2xTOityFGpMC%2Bq4f6a%2FS08LP1PTeDTBdto2LqplR5AfIEeiUu1yy9Uy5WZmNjpBhYMbVZJsMbWfVrj%2F4VCSRyZT4AtxSa0oOvA%2B3gLR7RqoHtFwe7YcO%2B650r0PuDLuSal4jGgToRXKnP%2FlnmA%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5LgtNThZA
A strong recommendation for Lenco idler turntables. Modded a bit, with a heavy tonearm and a low compliance cartridge - they sound sublime. I believe you can buy one for as little as £30. They are not fussy at all, no suspension to worry about. There's a huge Lenco community here and some serious DIY turntable porn. - https://www.lencoheaven.net/
One can take it in the direction of philosophy - so we have an entertaining chat, which is perfectly fine. Another option is that frustrations that we have are real. Not only frustrations of having a bothersome existence but, more importantly, frustration of inability to communicate ideas, inability to get people to cohere around sense making and finally - frustration of being unable to create.
Creative existence for us is making things better and finding more about ourselves, so that's a bit circular. But regardless whether everything is perfect or everything is wrong - the fun to be had is in the shaping and moulding.