I always feel that people are well aware the chance of them getting caught when driving dangerously are minuscule, so they happily drive however they like and take risks.
Stricter sentencing is good, but unless more people start getting nicked for bad driving and the road laws are enforced more, then it's unlikely to deter people who already practice bad habits.
Hopefully this change will stop the stupid "oh, but I'll lose my livelihood" defence rubbish that people come out with.
> Test bed - a place where you put pedals in order to easily test them, before deciding whether to keep them as part of your core sound or pass them on. I have loads of pedals like this - I don't dislike them so much I am going to sell immediately, but neither do they mean a lot to me. Nice to have two or three at a time there on your board so you can check 'em out again on a whim to help you find a use or decide for sure you don't want them.
This is where I like the determined choice - its either replacing something fully or its getting swapped out. No space for hangers on, so they gotta be worth keeping.
Just remembered about Omar Rodriguez-Lopez insane pedalboard he used to have. Off to look for pics.
It has been pointed out that my choice of using a small pedalboard to deliberately force a decision on the amount of pedals I can use at any one time and make me decide exactly what stays and what goes is "different"
Anyone else do this? I find it stops redundancy by not giving space to something that never gets used.
My descending order:
My tone bender clone - alright, but not great. Seemed to work very well with an amp putting out some serious volume, but was a bit nothing generally. Retired. Output wasn;t that great either so it was max or volume drop.
Big Muff - my longest serving fuzz. Thick, good fuzz. I didn't run it with a large amount of sustain, just volume up a fair bit, tone on middle and sustain on 3, maybe. Retired.
Those settings were to get a particular Narita Munehiro type sound, which works for me nicely.
Aya Tokyo BM70 - one ups the standard big muff, being a rams head muff clone and seeming to just Do It Better. permanent on board
Shin-Ei/Univox Superfuzz - the new one, octave fuzz. Loads of output and as heavy as it gets really. I'm most impressed.
I tend to run quite a bassy overdriven amp anyhow. Run the Aya and the Superfuzz side by side with my Dopefx overdrive and it does the lot.
Interestingly, the wah goes mental when running through the octave fuzz - clearly the two are doing something together to give it a particular sound. That odd wah sound that early Electric Wizard got? Its that. In fact, the superfuzz does the Supercoven sound to a tee.
When I had a retail job for a while, we'd be half pulling down the shutters about 10 mins prior to the end, so that the people milling about could decide and pay, but no other customer could walk in. If someone ducked under the shutter, they'd normally face the inquisition and be sent out again.
That's what the bosses told us to do, so that's what we did. Almost every other store in Bluewater did the same.
Some fellow ranting and raving at volume just off the Black Prince Road. Loudly raging about how bikes are more dangerous than cars and kill more people. How they are silent which makes them more dangerous and should all be banned. When I asked him if he read the Daily Mail, he was genuinely livid with disgust at being branded a Daily Mail Reader.
I suspect the gentleman may have had a bottle.
Like the "ye canne shout her doon" remark on the clip.