Weekends watching:
Mark of the Devil - dunno why I watch it every now and then, I don't like it. Good theme tune though
Inferno - good fun mad end nouveau. Makes zero sense, but thats whats good!
I Monster - all the great stuff. No matter how many times I drink this brew, its refreshing. Weirdly going for a 3D effect, but not actually a 3D film. Lee randomly thrusting a bunsen burner into the camera etc.
@Haino What scale are the Napoleonics?
28mm. Mix of Perry, Victrix and Warlord.
Sure but what about people whose houses seem bonkers expensive by national standards but are probably just normal family sized houses?
This. Just a normal family home, same as my wider family. I just happen to live in London and they live in North Kent. Whats the reason I should pay more? Their houses are bigger than mine!
They were great in the Roundhouse 2015.
I've been on Coffin Mulch this week.