I gave it one go and it was enjoyable enough. Its def a spot that GW should really own - small actions with few models. I might try the new edition, if I can get someone with the rule book. Quite fancy a unit of the Sisters of Silence, as thats the weird stuff I like!
Dozer blades look great. I've got one on a rhino too, as I had it kicking about in a box for years.
How would you like him to be ruthless against the conservatives that isn't already happening?
Well, for a start I’d like to see him come up with a policy framework, so that when he’s asked “well, what would you instead?/what do you propose?/how would you do it?” he’s actually able to give an answer instead of waffling away and showing himself to be empty. Maybe he could put them out as ten pledges or something, so that people know what Labour would do when they make a case for something not being good enough. He can then ruthlessly drill that into his MPs to get a consistent message happening, instead of the general air of “???” that’s currently going on.
I hear there’s another reset coming, with a 14,000 word essay - maybe there’ll be something in that
I may take you up on the Bad Moon offer! I tend to prefer more scenario led narrative games, over the "line up and go" type.
Memory says that the problems with the previous tournament they held was due to a lack of terrain for the number of tables they had, so it was unpainted slabs of poly put down and little else. Playable but rather crappy looking. But then - if its a huge number of tables, then somethings go to be produced and its not feasible for places outside of Warhammer World to accommodate at that scale.
Never been their club either - Covent Garden, I think?
Are you! Where they having it this year and hows the numbers for the event? Very much not a tournament person, but if they are happening then its only a good thing. I've heard mixed about the event, but sure it'll be fun.
Planning to have my first game of 40K in about............ten years........in a fortnight or so. One tank left for my Iron Warriors to be 100% done. Next game for me is Warmaster next Mon, another one I've not tried before.
1200 points of Warmaster Orcs finished for a game tomorrow.