Bars on sold to @DaisyChains
Some old stuff that was sitting in the shop for sale
- Cinelli cretireum drop bars, good condition.
Bar tape can be easily removed with nail polish.
15£ SOLD - Cinelli beater stem
Cut from hacksaw on steerer, scratches
5£ SOLD - Campagnolo 27.2 seatpost
Scratches, marks, dent
10£ SOLD
4.MKS NJS stamped cages
Perfect condition
10£ - Shimano 600 headset
Bearings are in good condition
Small crack, worked fine for me
Pictures - https://www.flickr.com/photos/129303847@N05/sets/72157650624586691/
- Cinelli cretireum drop bars, good condition.
Rack and panniers on hold by @jdmitch
Everything else still available -
Some pics