I've noticed over the last few weeks, well since changing from my winter bike to my summer commuter bike I've been getting a pain on the outside of my left knee (ITB?) mainly once I start walking and not so much when riding and a stiff right hip. Am wondering if its anything to do with having LOOK pedals on the summer bike and Ultrega pedals on both the winter bike and the weekend bike which I'm using the same shoe on. Am planning to change the pedals over at the weekend.
Does anyone have a good stretching routine, am really bad at stretching before and after any rides.
Entertaining ride in, pootling along the CS7 nothing much going on, until I come up along side the MTB grunter. Gently start to roll past him on the right when he suddenly swings across, I slow he moves back over to the left, I go wide right and again he comes over. Noticed he was doing it to everyone who wanted to overtake him.
Then the nobjockey in rugby socks who trying to track stand rode straight into the side of me. Customary to apologize rather than ride off you bogey flick.
Will do again 7/10
Pleasant ride in until I get to Southwark Bridge, decide to stay on the road bit rather than the blue part due to a number of cyclists already slow going across. No cars in front of me so I was going a good clip across, heard a car beeping ignored it. Stop at the lights Addy Lee driver in a Merc going red in the face about how I should be on the blue part and not the road. Explained that I could ride where I liked, he then decided to cut very close to me as we both turned right. What a prize dick absolutely no need for it.
Wil cross that Bridge again 8/10
Continually undertook and overtook by some red face Brompton day glo rider down the Walworth Rd although who never really made an impact on getting away from me,
Hit 26mph in a 20mph zone was good although the car that overtook me must have been doing double that.
Still loving the half term effect mind, 9/10
Since they've made Moorgate one way due to Cross Rail, you get loads of cyclist now cycling down the pavement in order to get to London Wall, some dude this morning shouting at people to get out of his way. Also why o why have they decided to put a cycle lane on Coleman Street just off of London Wall. Have witnessed a number of crashes involving cyclist with both Peds and Cars. It's a one-way street for cars, so more people look one way not expecting a cyclist to appear, also there is a road halfway down. Last night a woman was bombing down the road only to be halted by the side of a cab. Not sure who was to blame but it could have been a nasty accident.
To be fair on the last bus strike, I would have preferred the buses rather than the amount of extra drivers and cyclist out and about. Took me a full 10 minutes longer having to second guess drivers who probably don't drive Monday - Friday. The only bit I like was getting to London Bridge and being able to get across without the queue of waiting busses.
Must be all Rapha'd out. Popped in on Friday with the sole purpose of picking a Black Bervet top wasn't that impressed with it and then didn't feel the need to buy something else as a replacement.