quarantine hotels are self-paid
Do you know if Chinese citizens returning from abroad are treated differently? I´ve yet to come across reports on this as foreign media focus on what foreigners face when travelling (back) to China.
I studied Chinese politics and some simplified Chinese, although it was ages ago and I´ve forgotten most of the latter at least.
Now I remember why I rarely read the news here in China.
So there are xenophobes in China too. Shocked, I am, just shocked. Perhaps she had not heard that the authorities in Shanghai no longer foot the bill for quarantine hotel stays?
Secondly, you do know why some people in northern China as well as in places like Nanjing still harbour anger toward the Japanese? Not that that´s an excuse of course.
This is perhaps a bit dated now, but the reason I asked what was new on the ventilator front was that last week on LBC there was a man who reportedly works in the industry saying that talk of thousands of extra ventilators without the extensive training, the extra (baseline qualified) staff to give that training to and extra facilities in which the ventilators would be placed was "a comfort blanket". He also indicated that production rates were too slow to catch the patient peak anyway. Not to mention the obvious fact that every country in the world is screaming for the same kit.
A retired NHS radiographer said in the comments:
"For every ventilator, you need monitoring equipment (ecg, arterial and venous pressures, blood gasses etc.). You will also need several syringe pumps or other infusion equipment simply to keep the patient alive, let alone treat them. As it has always been a case of when, not if, the next pandemic would strike, it has been irresponsible for government to not have all the necessary equipment in storage, so that it was available in a timely manner. Talking simply about ventilators is not only impractical, it displays an ignorance of monumental proportions which will kill people. This also utterly ignores the staffing requirements needed to manage ventilated patients. We were promised 30,000 new nurses only a few months ago. They will be needed in the next few weeks, not years."
Vit D
On the off chance you´re referring to my repeated advocacy of recreational exercise during the pandemic, allow me to underline that the conduct seen in the photo is just people being dicks.
If this sort of thing goes on in your country you´re asking for a daytime curfew.
We went for our third family 40-50k pandemic spin yesterday. No such fuckwittery going on here (between Oppem and Leuven in Flanders). Even the obviously fast big ring riders kept speeds sensible. No Lycra gatherings to be seen, people riding two abreast or singly. What I did see was people having garage parties in the ´burbs though. Callous twats.
risk of crashing and injury to my view, has not decreased
The solution is for all recreational cyclist to be armed with a pistol loaded with one cartridge in case they crash.
Seriously though, the reason officials continue to recommend outdoor exercise is because now more than ever they need healthy (potential) patients. Immune system, vit D from sunlight and so on. Cycling is a very safe activity unless you´re a dick. Just apply brakes when descending, slow right down for junctions, obey the highway code more generally and don´t be a dick. Not hilly enough where you live? Slap a couple of bags of cement on your cargo bike. No cargo bike? Buy cargo bike.
Then there´s what people will do if stuck at home. They´ll tuck into their stockpiled crisps and beer and watch Pornhub. Worse still, post on an outdated bike forum. Right, I´m off for a ride with the wife and kidz.
Thanks, yes I'm that Samuli, one of the people to make that happen. The idea was coming from every direction, even THL and then deputy mayor, which made it easier.
The recommendation from THL's Markku Tervahauta was in his twitter, and then that was in Helsingin sanomat along with some other instructions.
Kiitos, eipä tule paljon seurattua koto-Suomen uutisia enää.
Tervahauta, Finland´s top public health official, was responding to a tweet about a Chinese study on transmission risk in buses. His message was essentially: "walk or get on your bike or, failing aforementioned, avoid peak times on public transport".
So impressed by the Belgian non-government´s action on this. I wonder if pros are travelling from their usual spring training grounds to train up here instead?
From the Belgian National Crisis Centre´s website:
"Lichaamsbeweging in de buitenlucht is toegestaan en zelfs aanbevolen. Dit kan met gezinsleden die onder hetzelfde dak wonen en met een vriend. Uitstapjes met gezinsleden die onder hetzelfde dak wonen zijn toegestaan. "
"L’activité physique en plein air est autorisée et même recommandée. Elle peut s’exercer avec les membres de la famille vivant sous le même toit et un ami. Les sorties en famille vivant sous le même toit sont autorisées."
"Körperliche Betätigung im Freien ist erlaubt und wird selbst angeraten. Sie kann mit Familienmitgliedern, die unter demselben Dach leben, und einem Freund stattfinden. Familien, die im selben Haushalt leben, dürfen zusammen für kleine Touren nach draußen gehen."
They know that theyre going to have to choose who lives and dies.
A million pardons if this is yet another repost, but it is chilling to see this shockingly young NHS doctor undergo Covid-19 PPE training while being just a happy young lad and to compare his demeanour to that of his physically and mentally wrecked colleagues in Lombardy. Take an overdose of those Maltesers if it helps you cope, doc.
Sanna Marin, the Finnish PM, wrote in a tweet an hour ago that the government were preparing measures to close private facilities like restaurants as well as curbs on freedom of movement but added said legislation would take days to sort out.