Dr John Campbell is worth a watch for proper science
(Soz if reep)
Thanks for this.
In his latest post he allows himself a morbid chuckle when he summarises Giacomo Grasselli´s findings in Lombardy: median age of intensive care unit patients with Covid-19 is 65, kids don´t get sick but likely carry the disease up the age cohorts. Grim.
Last night Snow asked Grasselli whether intensivists were having to decide who gets tubed and who dies to which the good doctor essentially replied "we do that all the time anyway".
As a househusband I also find that wearing gloves some of the time helps you stop touching your face. I tend to wash hands thoroughly when I come home before liberally applying greasy hand cream and then putting rubber gloves on for cooking, cleaning and bike fettling. This also prevents your skin from cracking when out and about.
That´s it, I´m refitting the bathroom. Going with a space/water/bog roll-saving walk-in shower/squat toilet combo with a post-Great War-era soap-on-stick fitting screwed to the wall pointing up because reasons. Also, Finnish arse shower lower down for when a full-body shower n shite is not called for.
“Wash hands for 20 seconds” = “Yeah I can spare 20 seconds, I’ll do that” and you end up with at least some hand washing happening. “Wash hands for 40-60 seconds” = “That’s fuckin ages, I’ll not bother washing at all”.
Precisely. Try slicing some habanero, "washing" your hands for 20 seconds and then having a wank. Not a good idea, a friend tells me.
If you actually read the first document you linked to, it says (for the handwash): "Duration of the entire procedure: 40-60 seconds". If you watch the NHS video in your second link, you will see it is 41 seconds long (41 is a number between 40 and 60, by the way). The 20 seconds refers to the part where you rub your hands together; the video even times it and plays Happy Birthday twice!
I stand corrected. In my defence, however, if the public are constantly being told "wash hands for 20 seconds" surely many if not most take said timespan to refer to the duration of the entire procedure and won´t bother with watching NHS vijeos?
Regarding the duration of hand washing, 20 seconds has been mentioned on here as well as elsewhere so many times that I had to check the NHS website. Worryingly, it does say 20 seconds. Did they just copy the WHO guidelines (40-60 seconds) and just cut n paste 20 seconds from the same organisation´s HAND RUB guidelines?!
There is no fucking way anybody could possibly cover all those steps in a mere 20 seconds.
What happens to the gulf due to the post -glacial land uplift ?
It´s going to first split into two (the top half will become a lake) and eventually the bottom half will be cut off from the Baltic, too, and then finally the two lakes will dry up/drain. All this in a couple of thousand years, a blink of an eye in geological time.
So rapid is the rate that lots of fishing towns are now far inland. My mum went to uni in a city called Vaasa/Vasa. Her favourite beach when she was a student is now a wooded area. She´s in her sixties.
I once heard a joke that, as the original Finno-Ugric-speaking tribes were schlepping West out of the steppes, they came to a sign saying "Go North." And everybody who could read, did. Fella that told me was Hungarian, as it happens.
We (Finns) have a number of self-deprecating versions of that joke. One goes that reconnaissance parties reported the lush, fertile Danube valley in the southwest and a barren, cold granite rock in the northwest and that the mouth-breathers chose the latter. They schlepped from the steppe as well as from the Ural mountains though.
Typical Belgian fatalism. Delhaize, a supermarket, has a buy two get one free beer offer on Coronas and Mort Subite while the government(s) are doing sweet fuck all.