there's a mistaken conflation between our Brexit go-it-alone attitude and our public health strategy, the latter of which is almost entirely apolitical and carefully considered, even if it does differ our Euro counterparts.
I fully agree. I probably jumped to conclusions on the pool bit in your post.
Somebody told your wife to stay away from Twitter. Surely people behave themselves better on here? Over there it´s Tory eugenics, money over lives and other rubbish.
Fair do´s. Never suggested I could provide any insight, which your wife actually can supply. I was a journo for many years before becoming a stay at home dad. I would just like to get to know this issue better now that I´m stuck with the kids for who knows who long.
Reporters are asking similar questions about the UK´s approach: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/13/uk/uk-coronavirus-response-boris-johnson-intl-gbr/index.html
Again, thanks for posting your wife´s contribution.
I've mistakenly introduced her to a world of know-it-all-pricks.
You´re out of order. Who here said they knew better than the experts? I for one welcome her input as valuable and would be grateful for anything further she´d be willing to contribute with regard to said difference in approaches, estimated spread peaks and so on.
What I was driving at was that a number of experts (I´ve interviewed a number of them in this field) feel that there is no such thing as a UK /Finnish/Belgian pool. Just one big pool. I´d be surprised if Piot didn´t get a call from Brussels or take part in some teleconference called by the Belgians before they announced the lockdown.
Another point that seems to be controversial is that the U.K. has stated they are now only testing hospitalised cases.
That’s the opposite of what the WHO advised yesterday.
So from now on the daily number of new cases reported is going to look much lower right?
Really? I thought there was a consensus among experts that general testing in the delay phase was pointless.
I´d just like to add that it is usually the officials and politicans that make noises like "our pool of experts is the bestest" while the experts themselves just get on with the job and talk to other experts, wherever they may be. Finnish ones (officials, that is) are notorious for this. Here in Flanders I´ve read that the microbiology cluster here is the best in the world. Peter Piot, a Fleming, he of Ebola and HIV fame, was mentioned upthread, although I suppose nowadays he´d be counted as a member of that British pool as the good baron (yes that´s right bitches) works for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Closing schools and nurseries is not that clear cut. Who will look after the children? If the parents are at work, how does one mitigate the risk of grandparents looking after children?
Again, a lot of very clever people who talk to each other across borders all the time have advised officials in other countries closures are the way to go.
Was wrong, Norway has ordered full shool closures and other draconian measures. Has highest per capita positives number after Italy´s but perhaps that´s because they´re awash with cash hence can afford massive testing capacity.
Perhaps I should have actually read that list. Iceland seems to have closed only secondary schools and unis though.
Yeah, she acknowledges that there are differing approaches. She's also not aware of what's going on on the front lines of treatment and is worried about the local governments' abilities to implement proper procedures. Nevertheless, her point is that this isn't being swept under the rug and there isn't some dark Tory agenda.
Is there any chance she could enlighten us on the estimates of how far European countries are from peaking as that would obviously help explain why the UK ´s strategy differs?
There’s no denying we are currently the outlier.
Perhaps helpful to add to the list you posted is that the other Nordic haven´t shut schools either but low population, very low population density. My family are from a part of Finland that has a pop density of 2 (two, as in two times one) people per square kilometre.
That seems particularly unlikely, so would also like to see the source for such a bold claim.
Also, how many of this pool are directly involved with the government’s policy?
Let´s say the bestest and greatest public health experts are in the UK. Why didn´t DK, FR, BE officials, chief medical officers etc ask them what to do? It´s not like people at this level are all gammons is it?
Assc. Prof Adam Kucharski and Prof Peter Piot having a chinwag.
If Piot says it´s "bad", it is.
The more I read and reflect on UK government approach, the more I'm persuaded that maybe they are right to grasp the nettle now. If you accept the genie is out of the bottle and it will re-emerge even in countries taking strong counter measures now once they are relaxed, then ultimately herd immunity is the only way forward. It feels like it is going to be a rough road though.
All Belgian sports events cancelled until the end of the month
The decision to cancel sports events was taken by Ben Weyts, the sport minister of Flanders. So events only in Flanders are cancelled. Pick a race in Wallonia instead.
Anyone got an age demographic break down for fatalities in Italy?
Grasselli again, this time briefing chiefly Norwegian and German intensivists:
The bit on mean ages of intensive care admissions starts at about 21 minutes in.
He says in the beginning that about 13 per cent of positives need intensive care. Looking absolutely shattered, he said his staff had been working 20 hours a day. At the end he effectively told his fellow doctors to tell their politicians to remove their fingers.
BBC 4 broadcast a Profile by Mark Coles on the man yesterday: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000gd7v
For those interested, the FT recently did a profile on Piot as well: https://www.ft.com/content/de0a7c9e-56ff-11ea-a528-dd0f971febbc
Obs not insightful, but the FT bit includes some interesting stuff on his shitload of titles and decorations. I like the motto on his baronal crest or whatever the fuck you call it. Also nice how he shuns his many monikers (Mick Jagger of microbiology, virus hunter, rock star of MB, Indy Jones of MB etc): "Shit happens. It’s more understanding what’s going on" and adds he prefers to call himself a detective instead.