experience following a mass-shooting
Yes the Detroit A&E doctor in the vijaho says it has been successfully tried after a school shooting. So grim.
I wonder if this is being done in current Covid-19 hotspots. Surely it´s just a staggeringly expensive pump? Have a volunteer sparky do one a-apart, slap a bigger motor in there what for ramping up the chooch factor, fit even more hoses and flow meters and regulator valves for a pug fugly but skookum life saver. Better than just vegtabating. Gotta piss with the cock you got eh?
Yeah no idea, they left a mountain of boxes behind.
See this lots. It´s because their shite diet means their cardboard recycling bin keeps filling up before the lorry comes round to empty it. In this part of the world (BE/NL) supermarkets have dedicated crates behind the tills where staff put empty fruit n veg boxes so that customers can reuse them to take their shopping home. Sometimes it´s hard to find the boxes under the heap of frozen meal cartons.
I sincerely hope that that woman with a persistent dry cough and appalling lack of hand control did not take out your chief medical officer seated next to her at the Academy of Medical Sciences news conference earlier today.
Didn't know the Belgians were allowed out except for essentials.
Did you mean "Belgians were NOT allowed out except for essentials"? The PM said yesterday that outdoor exercise, including cycling and jogging, was encouraged. Indeed, yesterday evening cyclepaths and rural roads were unusually full of cyclists and joggers, most alone or in pairs as the rules dictate. It´s just that gatherings are banned. So no club runs for example.
Dont´t panic. ;)
If the moderators could just block anybody who deploys the L-word that would be great. Cheers.
Lockdown is much loved by lazy journalists. I should know. I was one of them.
Your government will just copy other European countries´ policy in ordering everything but supermarkets (and chippies if they go Belgian) to close. School closures: ditto, so schools will remain open for key workers, including food logistics.
Go for a ride in the countryside here in lockdown Flanders like we did yesterday and you´ll see fields full of every conceivable bit of agricultural machinery while lorry drivers enjoy low-congestion driving on the motorways on their way to deliver food to the hoarding masses. Container barges still chugging along as always.
Over here big-box supermarket staff simply struggle to restack shelves fast enough. Yesterday I saw some suits who´d obviously been ordered down from HQ stacking shelves and nightclub bouncers at the door of our local Delhaize.
As has been mentioned on here before, smaller shops have ample supplies.
Unfortunately I really like the look of these and this is the Looks First Gear Selection Second forum, right?
Well a Bullitt or a Wallaroo (a longer Bullitt with Dutch bike middle bit, removable passenger cabin, hard to find) would be the way forward for the stockpiling of beer because gravity.
Joking aside, Bullitts are very good indeed. I´ve an Omnium and a Wallaroo but have done quite a bit of riding on hire and loan (mates, Ikea) Bullitts as well.
find myself wanting a cargo bike rather than a sawn-off...
Here you go, support a small business while at it. Got mine days before the Covid-19 measures entered into force in Denmark. You can slap a Europallet of bog roll on it and still drop Bullitt riders on hills like a fucking boss.
Anyone got a link to a channel 4 news clip with an american discussing the set up of the chinese fever clinics? Can't find it, think he might of been Science editor of the NYT
Edit: sorry, repeat.
This is a sobering listen (or read if you go for the transcript)
Especially for those non-medical cunts who wear/stockpile masks and other bits of medical PPE: listen reeeal ginger carefulling now from 9:50.
Latest from Leen Vervaeke as she emerges from her second quarantine in China (first in Wuhan, second on return to Beijing):
She reports on strict ongoing mass testing n tracing but also on what she describes as resurgent optimism as some restaurants reopen, but adds that members of the public keep banging on about how the forrins are the weak link in efforts to prevent a second wave from occurring.
In more good news, following an appeal by the Dutch doctors´federation to temporarily relax recruitment rules, well-nigh 2,000 former healthcare staff sign up as volunteers in a couple of days´time. They´ll be given crash refresher courses once it´s been established that they´ve not been out of the profession too long. Fucking heroes.
WHO are utterly corrupt and will say whatever China says, don't believe them.
If that´s true then we really are in the poo, for one´d be hard pressed to find a single top microbiologist who isn´t involved with the body in one way or another.
Here for example we have Leen Vervaeke, de Volkskrant´s China correspondent, reporting on car makers restarting factories in China:
At the end of the article she quotes Ian Lipkin, he of Contagion fame but also head of a WHO infectious disease centre with an impossibly long name.
Anyway, at least reporters from small countries still have their press cards, right?
Delusional propaganda
The WHO must be just a cog in the CCP propaganda machine then.
Paywall: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/04/health/china-lessons-aylward.html
Donald McNeil´s reporting has been linked to on this thread before. Here´s a longer piece, published two weeks ago, on Aylward´s findings:
To sum it all up, the key is enormous testing and tracking capabilities and fever clinics (complete with CT machines) so that new outbreaks are quickly found and the infected isolated away from their homes. Oh, and hospitals that have more kit than Swiss clinics do.
Regarding propaganda claims:
"I know there’s suspicion, but at every testing clinic we went to, people would say, “It’s not like it was three weeks ago.”"
"I didn’t see anything that suggested manipulation of numbers. "
"Journalists also say, “Well, they’re only acting out of fear of the government,” as if it’s some evil fire-breathing regime that eats babies. I talked to lots of people outside the system — in hotels, on trains, in the streets at night.
They’re mobilized, like in a war, and it’s fear of the virus that was driving them. They really saw themselves as on the front lines of protecting the rest of China. And the world." -
Email this morrow from Chinese Ebay shop selling bike parts: "our government have released the closed road because of the corona virus has been effectively controlled in our country.
, and we can ship off the items as normally begin from March 18.
If you still want to items, please give us a reply."
Depends what you mean by cycling. Even if you meant Lycra cycling, the answer is just maybe.
The new rules apply to all forms of leisure and sport activites, not just cycling. So that´s jogging, walking, canoeing, bird watching, strolling along a beach or whatever. The statement by the sport minister was vague: outdoorsyness still allowed within close proximity to place of residence provided some form of certificate is carried.
I´ve found no official source to back up (false) reports that cycling has been altogether banned in France or Spain, where it is still allowed as a mode of transport.
In Spain, all road users, not just cyclists, are being stopped and asked to prove their journeys are essential.
Belgium has taken a completely different approach in ENCOURAGING people to take outdoor exercise in all its forms provided they do it in family groups, singly or in pairs.