Hello, to clarify. Ambulance already there. Rider was turning left. Yes wand dislodged, 8-10 inches of base remained protruding from road surface. Very difficult to see. Rider’s partner took a wand from further along the road and put it over the stub. The one he removed had a couple feet of plastic inner remaining so was safe switch.
Like Murderbot a lot. Especially impressed (beyond storylines which are very good) at reasonably well integrated queer and spectrum elements. Lot of otherwise talented genre authors really seem to struggle with that to the detriment of the overall quality, and Murderbot never comes over as desperately overheated fanfic, which unfortunately is not the case with a lot of SF&F output nowadays.
I thought the way that thread was handled was exemplary. Thoughtful reasoning behind decision to allow it was shared with the forum by the big V in a mature and rational manner. No need for a flame war or retiring to the fainting couch. You had the option to block, which you did, so let’s carry on like sensible adults who are aware not everything we are exposed to is our cup of tea or our particular bag, baby.
Giant fucking pick up trucks. Not the sensibly sized working trucks with lifted axles like you see used by sensible farming and forestry folk, but the crew cabbed short workbed monstrosities that seem to be proliferating on the roads nowadays. Arsehole movers.