I still need to finish some details on the body, but it all runs, so that's nice. A few picks of the build process.
This is a CC02 chassis, so it's basically a crawler. I built it with the lower gear ratio, but even then it seems pretty fast. One to I've heard is to run the motor connections to the speed controller backwards and then reverse the controls in the transmitter. That way the speed controller is running in reverse, but the car is running forwards, but more slowly. I might try it once I've had some running time in the conventional set up. -
I never really liked Gundam, but my son loves them and it got him into modelling which was good for him in all sorts of ways, but I found the little SD Gundam kids quite fun and last summer bought myself one of the Master Grade SD Gundam kits, which was an enjoyable few weeks of idle modelling.
There's a second kit due out soon, which I'll probably get as well.
https://en.gundam.info/content/mgsd/001/ -
I've got an original mk 1 Tamiya Hotshot that I'd like to sell on. It's got a cracked front shock mount and as a youth I drilled out the front suspension arm mounts, so the front end is incredibly loose, but I've checked online and all the spare parts are available to fix both these problems.
Would anyone be interested?
It would come with the original box, manual speed controller and manual, plus a few spare parts. -
This thread has had me looking around on YouTube looking at videos of people putting together kits. I had loads of different kits back in the day, I used to build them and then sell them on. I've still got a Hot Shot up in the loft.
I always wanted a Rough Rider or a Sand Scorcher, but fuck that for the prices now! -
Fitting e clips inside a large clear plastic bag is a trick I learnt for particularly tricky assemblies.
It doesn't help at all until the clip springs off, then it's fantastic!