To keep things simple, I'll wait at Mitcham Eastfields, here: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.4075404,-0.154485,3a,75y,222.04h,84.95t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1snYovJ3nYHPm21VIAftJDBA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DnYovJ3nYHPm21VIAftJDBA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D163.96115%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192
Until the group from Ivy House arrives, then we'll all set off together.
This is the route I am planning to follow: https://cycle.travel/map/journey/107557
The site gives you the option to download almost any type of GPS file - I'll be using a track. -
If you go back a few pages, I posted a few shots from my recce ride of the route.
It's road/tarmac until Epsom, then we cross the race course - its chalk/flint at that point, then leads to clay/sand and into woodland, after that it's road again, then fine gravel (a managed trail). The Downs link itself is gravel. After Stan's Bike Hut it's rougher gravel/clinker then fine gravel (managed trail).It's all rideable on 28c light touring tyres. I probably wouldn't want to take 25c or 23c tyres unless you need some fillings removed and thin sidewall race tyres would probably be a mistake.
Looks like Rudi Verwimp is off to a bad start...https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2221874198067990&set=gm.2516236075093719&type=3&theater&ifg=1
I just let the programme choose the route and then dragged it closer to where I want to go.
It's a great programme and I use it all the time, if you click on any road and select "Find photos" it'll show you photos tagged with that GPS location, it's saved me from some pretty miserable roads over the years and also found me some gems (beautiful rideable bridlepaths through open country).The route to Ware shows a pretty open towpath along the river and I'm a sucker for rivers. Mangrove Road looks nice too. Singletrack along the edge of woodland by the looks of things.
Tried a rough first pass here: https://cycle.travel/map/journey/116956
How does this look? -
Has anyone tried one of these? https://www.apidura.com/shop/racing-handlebar-pack/
It looks like my dream front end set up, just a lot more expensive than I had expected to pay. -
Horrible creaking and clicking bottom bracket was solved by removing Shimano Alfine cranks, cleaning the axle and wiping down all exposed surfaces.
Bottom bracket cups were removed and bottom bracket wiped down.
Both pedals were removed.BB threads were greased with copperslip and BB cups re-installed.
Chainset reinistalled and left-hand crank was reinstalled correctly.
Pedal threads greased with copperslip and reinstalled.As an aside, rear axle nuts (they're proper tracknuts) were greased, so captive washers turned easily on the nut. Axle ends given a dob of grease and the axle nuts tightened up correctly.
Result: silence!
Even with nine of us we were dividing into three groups quite often. Pairs and threes are much easier to manage if you want to stop, but the moment you have one group that wants to motor along and another that wants to enjoy the trailside amenities, you can end up with friction.
I really enjoyed the ride and the company and I'm looking forward to another one.